Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-160
June 15, 2005

Lang To Attend Western Energy Alliance Meeting In Inuvik

WHITEHORSE - Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Archie Lang will be in Inuvik today to attend a Western Energy Alliance meeting that will look at energy issues common to Canada's western provinces and northern territories.

"Developing Yukon's energy resources is a key priority for our government," said Lang. "We face similar challenges here in the north and in Western Canada, such as labour issues and capacity building for major projects on the horizon – such as pipelines."

Pipeline access is essential for Yukon to develop its natural gas industry. "Working with the Western Energy Alliance we hope to build support and awareness of the opportunities presented by proposed northern pipeline projects," said Lang.
The ministers will also look at ways to increase harmonization of energy-related regulations to improve regulatory efficiency and reduce barriers to development. "Regulatory harmonization remains a priority and northern gas development will serve as a benchmark," said Lang.

At their last meeting in February Western Energy Alliance ministers also agreed, in principle, to work towards securing meaningful provincial and territorial participation in international energy discussions and negotiations.

The meeting coincides with the Inuvik Petroleum Show, which Minister Lang will also be attending. This year's show is focussing on the roles and responsibilities with the Mackenzie Gas Project.


 Peter Carr   Tara O’Donovan
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Analyst
 (867) 667-8688  Energy, Mines and Resources  (867) 667- 5809