Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-248
September 28, 2005

Minister Lang To Speak At 2005 Far North Oil And Gas Forum

WHITEHORSE - Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Archie Lang will give the keynote luncheon address tomorrow at the 7th Annual Far North Oil and Gas Forum in Calgary.

Lang will promote Yukon's oil and gas potential and emphasize the importance of both the Mackenzie Gas Project and the Alaska Highway Pipeline Project to the Yukon.  His speech will explain how the government is becoming pipeline ready and is ensuring its interests will be met with each project.

"We are actively engaged in talks with gas producers, pipeline proponents and other governments to guarantee that Yukon interests, regarding the Mackenzie Gas Project and the Alaska Highway Pipeline Project, are represented and that the necessary preparatory work is undertaken," Lang said.  "Access to both pipelines is key to getting the Yukon's natural gas to market."

Yukon government's interests include: connecting Yukon gas to market; Yukon access to energy from pipelines; net fiscal and social benefits to the Yukon; community and First Nations' involvement; an efficient federal regulatory process that has First Nations support; and securing federal funding to help prepare for the pipelines.

Lang will highlight the initiatives the government has already undertaken to promote its interests such as intervening in the National Energy Board and Joint Review Panel processes for the Mackenzie Gas Project. This includes making sure there is access to business and employment opportunities, connection of North Yukon gas and mitigation of impacts.

"We will continue to work hard to address ways to increase opportunities for Yukoners, while minimizing impacts of the pipelines," Lang said.

The annual Far North Oil and Gas Forum brings industry and government representatives together from across the North to discuss opportunities in oil and gas development.


 Peter Carr   Marilyn Margeson
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications
 Government of Yukon  Energy, Mines and Resources
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-5809