Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-250
October 3, 2005

Lang Attends Canadian Council Of Forest Ministers' Annual Meeting

WHITEHORSE - Energy, Mines and Resources Minister Archie Lang is attending the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers' annual meeting in Saskatchewan on Oct. 4.

The Canadian Council of Forest Ministers was created in 1985. It provides an important forum for the federal, provincial and territorial governments responsible for forests to work cooperatively to address major areas of common interest.

"The Forest Ministers' annual meeting provides the Yukon an opportunity to share ideas and discuss common challenges," Lang said. "At this year's meeting we will be discussing strategic issues influencing Canadian forestry."

"I will be talking about our partnerships with First Nations in forest management planning, the work to date on developing a new made-in-the-Yukon forest legislation that will replace the timber regulations inherited through devolution and what we are doing to address the spreading spruce bark beetle infestation in southeast Yukon," Lang added.

The full day agenda for the ministers includes presentations on adapting the forest products sector for world markets; a new Wildland Fire Strategy; International Forestry Partnerships; the National Forest Information System; and Issues influencing Canadian Forestry.

"The discussion on formally adopting a Canadian Wildland Fire Management Strategy will be of considerable interest, as will the roundtable discussion on strategic issues and drivers influencing forestry in Canada," Lang said.

The Yukon hosted the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers in 2004 and the Northwest Territories will be the 2006 hosts.


 Peter Carr  Ron Billingham
 Cabinet Communications  Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8786