Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #06-087
April 18, 2006

New Executive Director Appointed To Yukon Placer Secretariat

WHITEHORSE - The committee leading the implementation of the new Yukon Placer Regime is pleased to announce Robert Thomson as the executive director of the Yukon Placer Secretariat, effective May 1. 

Thompson replaces Claire Derome, who is leaving the secretariat to take on a new opportunity at the Department of Economic Development. 

The secretariat was formed in December as a result of a partnership between the Government of Yukon, Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Council of Yukon First Nations. The secretariat's main responsibility is to complete and implement a new Yukon placer mining regulatory regime by 2007.

"Robert Thomson brings extensive and valuable experience to this post," Energy, Mines and Resources Deputy Minister Angus Robertson said, who sits on the Joint Placer Implementation Committee which oversees the secretariat. "Mr. Thompson has been involved in developing the proposed placer mining regime since work began on it in 2003. In addition to this valuable experience, he has worked with government in numerous capacities related to placer mining."

"At the same time we thank Claire Derome for her exceptional work in getting the secretariat up and running," Robertson said. "We wish her well in her new position with the Yukon government."

The secretariat is responsible for a variety of functions. It will oversee the development of watershed authorizations using traditional, local and scientific knowledge.  It will also develop an adaptive management system to manage, monitor and review the new placer regime. 
Under the adaptive management approach, the new regime will introduce clear, pre-determined standards that will be regularly reviewed and modified, as necessary, to incorporate scientific and technological advances and information.

Introductory meetings with First Nations have been held on how best to carry out consultations and about how to work together to gather and use traditional knowledge in the regime. The next steps include the launch of our three-phase consultation process, which will involve Yukon First Nations and all interested Yukoners.

For more information on the proposed placer regime and the Yukon Placer Secretariat, visit and


 Peter Carr  Elaine Schiman
 Cabinet Communications  Yukon Placer Secretariat
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 334-2975