Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-149
June 2, 2005

Yukon Government Announces Rural Road Upgrades

WHITEHORSE -  Highways and Public Works Minister Glen Hart announced $245,000 worth of projects today under the Rural Roads Upgrading Program.

"The Yukon government is committed to ensuring that Yukon citizens and businesses have access to a high-quality transportation network," Hart said. "Rural roads are important for the people who live there, and also for economic development opportunities."

The six projects represent $245,000 of the $300,000 in funding approved under the program for 2005. The program guidelines outline the criteria and methods for proposing projects.  Members of the public are invited to identify roads in their area that require upgrading.

Haines Junction: Work will be done on the Aishihik Road.

Tagish: Upgrading will be done at East Six Mile and repairs will be made to the bridge on the Lubbock River Road which is located on the Yukon portion of the Atlin Road. 

Marsh Lake: Work will be undertaken on the Old Constabulary Subdivision Road and on the Bayview Road.

Whitehorse: Upgrading will be done on the Takhini River Road.


 Peter Carr   Marie-Louise Boylan 
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications Analyst, H&PW
 (867) 667-8688   (867) 393-7193