Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-129
June 21, 2007

Yukon Highway And Bridge Upgrade Projects For Summer 2007

WHITEHORSE - Highways and Public Works Minister Archie Lang is pleased to announce a full program of highway projects planned for summer 2007, as part of the Yukon government's commitment to upgrade highway networks and bridge infrastructures.

This summer, the value of bridge construction and rehabilitation work will exceed $18 million, and highway construction and related project work is estimated at $25 million. 

"Yukoners will benefit from employment in these projects that will enhance the safety and condition of this section of Yukon's major tourist and commercial highway route," Highways and Public Works Minister Archie Lang noted about the Shakwak Project during his budget speech.

The major Shakwak projects planned for this year include: $10 million on road construction near Sheep Mountain from km 1700 to 1707; $7.15 million for replacement of the Donjek River Bridge at km 1822; $3 million to begin a two-year construction project to replace the Duke River Bridge at km 1768; and $6 million for paving to replace the deteriorating sections of bituminous surface treatments (BST) surface along the Haines Highway between km 174 and km 194.

The Canadian Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF) will enable upgrading of the southern portion of the Alaska Highway with fifty percent recoverable funds from the Government of Canada. The major CSIF projects include $6.235 million for widening and strengthening the Teslin River Bridge; and $500,000 to initiate the construction phase for the replacement of the Lewes (Yukon) River Bridge deck at km 1393.

Other major highway improvements planned for this year include: $2 million for pavement rehabilitation to the North Klondike Highway; $775,000 for crushing and stockpiling gravel to improve the Dempster Highway road surface; $600,000 to complete reconstruction of the Atlin Road from km 1 to km 6; and $875,000 for improvements to the South Robert Campbell Highway.

The Government of Yukon reminds all travelers to watch for posted speed limits, to obey flag persons and to yield to heavy equipment in construction areas. 


Attachment: Detailed list of planned 2007 highway and bridge projects 

Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications

Doris Wurfbaum
Communications, Highways and Public Works


Attachment: Detailed list of planned 2007 highway and bridge projects

Capital Highway Projects 2007-08


Scope of Work


Alaska Highway Major highway rehabilitation, including reshaping sections of reconstructed highway near Beaver Creek 


Alaska Highway   Subsurface improvement, km 1218, Strawberry Creek


Alaska Highway  Wheelchair accessibility to outhouses and rest stop entrances, territory wide 


Shakwak  Construction (from km 1700 to km 1707) Alaska Highway 


Shakwak  New pavement (from km 174 to km 194) Haines Road 


Shakwak  Permafrost rehabilitation (from km 1634 to km 1966) Alaska Highway 


Shakwak  BST and re-vegetation (from km 1692 to km 1700) Alaska Highway 


Atlin Road  Finish reconstruction (from km 1 to km 6) including guard rail and BST surfacing and enlarge boat ramp 


Dempster Highway  Gravel production for surfacing aggregate for application


Dempster Highway  Erosion control (from km 95 to km 115) to evaluate future road safety needs 


North Canol Road  Design washout repair (km 248) 


North Klondike Highway Design for reconstruction Flat Creek (km 656) 


North Klondike Highway  Design for culvert replacement (km 614) Beaver Dam Creek 


North Klondike Highway  Pavement rehabilitation (from km 204 to km 212) 


South Klondike Highway  Rock scaling, evaluation of work completed and future road safety needs 


Robert Campbell Highway  Design for culvert reconstruction and grade repair (km 64) 


Robert Campbell Highway  Design Starr Creek culvert replacement (km 312)


Robert Campbell Highway  BST application (from km 10 to km 58) and replacement of culverts at Watson and MacDonald Creeks 


Top of the World Highway  Production of base course Aggregate 


Yukon-wide  Right of way vegetation control 


Yukon-wide  Rural road upgrading program 





Capital Bridgework 2007-08



Scope of Work

Budget 2007-08

CSIF Program          
Teslin River Bridge  Alaska Highway  Complete deck replacement 


Lewes River Bridge  Alaska Highway  Design commence deck replacement 


Shakwak Program     

Donjek Bridge  Alaska Highway  New bridge and demolition of old bridge 


Duke and Slims Bridge  Alaska Highway  New bridge designs 


Duke River Bridge  Alaska Highway  New bridge construction  (year 1) 


Bridge Rehabilitation     

Koidern River Bridge  Alaska Highway  Re-seat bridge girders 


Liard River Bridge  Alaska Highway  Rehabilitation design 


Takhini River Bridge  North Klondike  Repair bearings 


Yukon River Bridge (Carmacks)  North Klondike  Paint truss members 


Tatchun Creek  North Klondike  Rehabilitation design 


Fox Creek North Klondike  Rehabilitation design 


Macmillan # 3  North Canol  Replace bridge 


Macmillan #1  North Canol  Install deck 


Jeff Creek  North Canol  Replace bridge 


Campground Bridge  Kusawa Lake Road  Replace abutments and new deck 


Inventory for Emergency Replacements  Unknown  Emergency preparedness 



