Government of Yukon



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FOR RELEASE     #05-202
July 29, 2005

Innovative Falcon Ridge Affordable Housing Project

WHITEHORSE - Yukon Housing Corporation's Board of Directors toured the Falcon Ridge Chalet Village affordable housing project today to examine the progress to date.

The Falcon Ridge Development Corporation will build 63 energy-efficient homes and 30 rental units in the Copper Ridge subdivision. Through the Canada-Yukon Affordable Housing Agreement, 44 homes and 20 rental units received $830,000 in funding. The development will include an exercise room, dry cleaning services, a movie theatre, public greenhouse and walking trails. This site is close to municipal services such as transit and is surrounded by a green-belt.

"This is the essence of what affordable housing projects should be," said the Honourable Larry Bagnell, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources, on behalf of the Honourable Joe Fontana, Minister of Labour and Housing. "This is a very progressive approach that is sensitive to the desires of the local marketplace and at the same time demonstrates the quality of affordable housing units that are being built today."

"Its one thing to see it on a set of paper plans, it's quite another to see it growing before your eyes," said Jim Kenyon, minister responsible for Yukon Housing. "This project will set a new standard of affordable housing in the North - one which I hope will become the norm in the future."

"This is a new approach to affordable housing in the North," said Rudy Couture, Chair of the Yukon Housing Corporation. "There is innovation at all levels of the project which will appeal to the future residents and it meets the needs of our community while raising the bar for future affordable housing projects."

Duncan Lillico of Falcon Ridge Development Corporation explained the design approach to the project as affordable housing with value-added features. "Our approach is to build not just a collection of houses, but a neighbourhood that makes a difference in people's lives. This means including the typical services people desire like dry cleaning and access to a gym and walking trails. Too often people live in one location and recreate in other places, we can help bring those together."

The housing project is also built to appeal to Yukon seniors with accommodating home standards to assist residents with mobility impairments. An on-site emergency call feature also appeals to senior residents as does the indoor golf simulator and outdoor putting green.

Under the Canada–Yukon Affordable Housing Agreement, the territory will receive a total of $5.5 million for new affordable housing units. 


For further information, please contact:

Jason Cobb
Canada Mortgage and
Housing Corporation
Calgary, Alberta
Phone (403) 515-2903

Duncan Lillico
Falcon Ridge Development Corp.
(867) 334-2033

Doug Caldwell
Policy & Communications Analyst
Community Services
Yukon government
(867) 667-8065