Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #05-305
November 24, 2005

Yukon Housing Corporation Board To Develop Seniors Housing Options In Faro

WHITEHORSE - The Yukon Housing Corporation Board of Directors will commence work on the provision of seniors housing in Faro.

"The board examined seniors housing needs in Faro and instructed corporation staff to commence repairs on two vacant Yukon Housing Corporation units so that they may be used by seniors," Rudy Couture, chair of the Yukon Housing Corporation Board said. "We are going to use vacant staff housing and offer seniors alternative housing options in the community. This is a positive and fiscally responsible approach."

Staff will develop interim operating procedures so that the upgraded units can be occupied without delay. A community housing board will be created and the primary roles of the Board include approving applications and allocating units.

"I am very pleased the Board directed action to help address the housing needs of seniors in Faro," minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation Jim Kenyon said. "The need for housing is clear and we are working to develop the appropriate housing solutions for their needs."


 Peter Carr  Doug Caldwell
 Cabinet Communications Advisor  Communications, Community Services
 (867) 667-8688  (867) 667-8065