Government of Yukon



FOR RELEASE     #07-136
June 28, 2007

New Social Housing Policy To Benefit Those In Greatest Need

WHITEHORSE - Minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation, Jim Kenyon, is pleased to announce a new social housing policy to benefit those in greatest need.

For years, obtaining social housing was based primarily on an applicant's household income being lower than the identified income threshold. Asset value will now also be used to determine the applicant's eligibility into the program, as well as the client's priority placement. There are some exceptions to the application of the asset policy specifically relating to victims of violence and seniors requiring relocation due to medical needs.

"This new approach complements recent changes to give priority to victims of violence and abuse, and to those seniors in rural Yukon requiring relocation based on medical reasons," Kenyon said. "By helping those most in need, this initiative supports our goal of helping Yukoners achieve a better quality of life."

To access the Social Housing Program, clients will need to be Yukon residents who can demonstrate that their household income is below the set threshold, and that the value of their assets does not exceed $100,000.

"With our new policy, Yukon Housing Corporation can ensure that those with the greatest need are given first opportunity to access social housing," Yukon Housing Corporation Board of Directors Chair Rudy Couture said. "There are a limited number of social housing units. It is important that we allot these homes to those who need them most."

Changes to the Social Housing Program eligibility criteria came into effect on June 1.


Roxanne Vallevand
Cabinet Communications
Nathalie Harwood
Communications, Community Services