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Canadian Commercial Corporation Canada's International Contracting Agency
Aerospace, Defence and Security Emerging and Developing Markets Service Offerings About CCC

For exporters

Prime Contractor Service

Selling to U.S. DoD

Selling to NASA

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Procurement Service

Services for U.S. DoD

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Service Offerings

Prime Contractor Service

In order to increase trade, CCC works in areas where there is a clear role for government, responding to the need for additional contracting capacity in defence and emerging and developing country markets and by helping foreign governments benefit from Canadian export capabilities through the negotiation and execution of government-to-government contracts.

CCC signs a contract with a foreign government buyer and a contract with the Canadian exporter. As the intermediary, CCC ensures that the contract will be completed according to the conditions of the agreement and flows the contractual obligations down to the Canadian exporter.

The result is a secure government-to-government contract on the best possible terms and conditions for all parties concerned. In addition, CCC manages the cycle of payments from the foreign government buyer to the Canadian exporter in order to establish and maintain a predictable and timely payment schedule.

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