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Power Smart Tips and Practices

At BC Hydro, we're committed to helping you achieve energy efficiency and sustainability through Power Smart Solutions. These tools are designed to enhance your energy management expertise, so you can improve your bottom line through efficient energy use.

Buying Guides

Learn about energy consuming products including lighting, HVAC and refrigeration. more>>

Managing Energy Costs by Business Type

Manage energy costs for your building type. more>>

Operation & Maintenance Guides

Learn how to optimize equipment performance and efficiency. more>>

Power Smart Tips

Scan our energy saving tips and learn new ways for your business to conserve energy and save money. more>>

Ask a Power Smart Expert

Gain free access to our team of energy experts – ready to help solve your business' energy management challenges. more>>

Employee Energy Awareness

Motivate your staff to adopt energy efficiency in the workplace. more>>

Industry News

Stay on top of information related to deregulation of the energy industry, energy saving trends and technologies, seminars, events and other business news. more>>

Power Smart Alliance

Find a qualified contractor to help you implement Power Smart solutions. more>>