Water, Land and Air

As the electricity company serving most of this large province, BC Hydro has responsibility for the health of our water, land and air resources. Our challenge is to find effective ways to minimize the environmental effects of our operations and still meet our responsibility to supply low-cost electricity to our customers.

Finding this balance is not easy. The size of BC Hydro's hydroelectric system, and the many different biological, geological and climatic zones found in British Columbia, require us to engage in careful study and continuous planning.

We remain committed to protecting fish and fish habitat, enhancing wildlife resources, finding a balance between competing interests for water use and limiting our contribution to climate change.

In our daily work, we are guided by an environmental policy that commits us to avoid causing environmental impacts as a first priority. However, knowing that operating an energy system affects the environment and other users of publicly shared resources, where impacts are created, we will work to reduce them, enhance affected habitat and sustain resources in the long term.