Integrated Electricity Planning

As BC Hydro plans for the future, there are challenges and choices facing the province as its economy and population grows and the demand for electricity increases. Integrated electricity planning addresses the long-term planning of electricity generation, transmission facilities, and demand-side resources to reliably meet forecast requirements.

BC Hydro’s integrated electricity planning process produces an integrated electricity plan (IEP) and a long-term acquisition plan (LTAP). These plans are an integral part of BC Hydro’s overall business planning and resource acquisition processes to ensure that BC Hydro continues to provide reliable power at low cost, for generations.

BC Hydro plans to develop an IEP and LTAP every four years; with an update to the LTAP produced every second year. The IEP is a contextual document with a 20-year outlook. The IEP provides the analysis that informs the LTAP, which is an action plan with a 10-year planning period.

Current Activities

2008 Long-Term Acquisition Plan

The development of the 2008 LTAP is currently underway. The purpose of the 2008 LTAP is to update the 2006 LTAP, which was filed as a part of the 2006 IEP on March 29, 2006.

For more information, please see the 2008 LTAP section.

Previous Activities

2006 Integrated Electricity Plan

May 11, 2007: British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) released its decision [PDF, 1.1 Mb]  on the 2006 IEP/LTAP application.

March 29, 2006: BC Hydro filed the 2006 IEP/LTAP application with the BCUC.

For more information, please see the 2006 IEP section.