
Openness and Accountability is a key BC Hydro policy.
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  • Openness and Accountability, our commitment to operating with a transparent and accountable framework – providing British Columbians access to such information as our executives' contracts, how we measure performance, and what kind of Freedom of Information requests we have received
  • Operations Planning, provides information about BC Hydro's operations planning process and the factors that guide it
  • Peace River Site C Hydro Project
  • Electricity Rates, explains the rate structure for residential and business customers
  • Water Use Planning Strategy, find out how our Water Use Planning program considers the options, impacts, tradeoffs and priorities involved in operating our facilities
  • Meeting Demand Growth, read about how we are planning to meet our growing demand, including customer-based generation, green energy, resource acquisition, Resource Smart and Power Smart
  • Electricity Trade, learn about our power marketing and trade activities that help optimize electric system resources, improve the security and reliability of electricity supply for the province, and provide significant economic benefits to the people of British Columbia
  • Three Bottom Lines, BC Hydro is committed to reporting on three bottom lines: financial, environmental and social