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Field Studies Notice

Image of map showing location of Site C

Peace River Site C Hydro Project

Where we are today

The 2007 BC Energy Plan called for BC Hydro to "enter into initial discussions with First Nations, the Province of Alberta and communities to discuss Site C." In this process of Pre-Consultation, BC Hydro will ask British Columbians how they want to be consulted and what topics they would like to discuss during the upcoming Project Definition consultation for Site C. A decision on whether to move forward with construction is still years away.

An option to help close B.C.'s growing electricity gap

B.C. is facing a growing gap between electricity demand and supply. By planning ahead, we can ensure that future generations of British Columbians will continue to enjoy the benefits of low-cost, clean and reliable power.

A growing electricity gap
Demand for electricity in B.C. is expected to increase by as much as 45% by 2025. We currently have a gap between existing supply and demand. To close the growing electricity gap, we need to conserve more, buy more from independent power producers and reinvest in existing assets. We also need to consider new, dependable resources.
Learn more about B.C.'s growing electricity gap

We consume more than we generate
Today, we already consume more electricity than we generate. B.C.'s existing facilities are not enough to meet electricity demand. We're relying increasingly on imported electricity – not all of it clean – to meet our demands.
Learn more about meeting the gap
Site C is one option
A third hydroelectric project on the Peace River is one option being considered to help meet B.C.'s long-term electricity needs. The Site C dam and generating station would provide a reliable, clean, and renewable source of electricity for more than 100 years. A decision on whether to build Site C is years away.
Learn more about the Site C decision-making process
Public consultation
The provincial government has asked BC Hydro to begin consideration of the Site C hydro project by consulting with communities, First Nations and stakeholders. A decision to proceed with the project would only be made following extensive consultation and project analysis.
Learn more about the consultation process