Three Bottom Lines

BC Hydro is accountable to British Columbians to take care of the environment, meet community needs and deliver excellent financial results. As such, we are committed to a path of sustainability whereby we balance, track and measure our performance along environmental, social and economic bottom lines. We believe better business decisions result by looking at these three bottom lines together and understanding that what happens in one area has effects on the others.

Our environmental bottom line looks at how we manage impacts from our operations, weigh environmental values with economic ones and plan for a future with more green energy in our system.

Our social bottom line includes how we ensure the safety and well-being of people – our employees, customers and the general public – and the health of the communities in which we live and work.

Our economic bottom line means making it possible to stay in business forever, by being an efficient, productive and profitable company and by providing value to our customers and the province.