Team Roster

Team Power Smart leaders are celebrities, athletes, business and government leaders who have committed to saving electricity and helping spread the word. In the coming weeks, you’ll learn more about these leaders and what they’re doing to help B.C. reach its goal of energy self-sufficiency by 2016.

Gordon Campbell (GM)
"We don’t have a lot of power anymore. We’re not even energy self sufficient anymore in British Columbia. So we’ve set a goal for ourselves as a government to get energy self sufficient by 2016."
Gordon's Bio

Amy Beeman
"My kittens like to drink water right out of the faucet. And as much fun as it is to watch them frolic in the water, it is not a good energy conservation tactic."
Amy's Bio

Bob Elton (Head Coach)
"[People] used to ask me about their bill or their outages, but now they ask me about consumption and efficiency. I like the conversations – but I never assume that I am holier than them."
Bob's Bio

Martin Nash
"I want to make sure that my children inherit a planet cleaner and greener than the one I have inherited."
Martin's Bio

Steve Nash (Captain)
"I’m really excited about being part of this team. I know that together we’re going to make a huge difference getting people excited about conservation in B.C."
Steve's Bio

Vikram Vij
"When I met [my wife] 13, 14 years ago, she used to have a 20-minute shower. Now she actually times herself. She loves that hot shower when she wakes up in the morning, but she's reduced it to almost two minutes."
Vikram's Bio

Team Power Smart

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