Power Smart Tips and To Dos

Use the tips and to dos below to help you and your family be Power Smart and conserve energy.

To Dos  
Install a programmable thermostat ... More
Switch from incandescent to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) ... More
Switch your halogen torchieres to compact fluorescent torchieres ... More
Activate your computer’s “sleep” or “power save” mode ... More
Install automatic lighting controls in your home ... More
Plug your electronics and chargers into power bars that can be easily turned off ... More
Install a low-flow showerhead and save up to 15% of your home’s water use ... More
Draftproof your home ... More
Remove or unplug unnecessary fridges and freezers ... More
Fix any leaks in your pipes and faucets ... More
When replacing your clothes washer, choose an ENERGY STAR® model ... More
Switch from incandescent to LED (light-emitting diode) holiday lights ... More
Make sure your heating system is properly maintained ... More
When replacing your fridge, choose an ENERGY STAR® model ... More
Replace incandescent nightlights with LED or electroluminescent models ... More
When replacing your dishwasher, choose an ENERGY STAR® model ... More
Insulate your electric hot water tank and pipes to minimize heat loss ... More
When replacing your freezer, choose an ENERGY STAR® model ... More
Check the seal around your fridge and freezer doors to ensure a tight fit ... More
When replacing your windows, choose ENERGY STAR® labelled models ... More
Consider energy efficiency when landscaping ... More
When buying a new TV, choose an energy-efficient ENERGY STAR® qualified model ... More
Check the temperature of your fridge and freezer ... More
Clean your lamps and lighting fixtures ... More
Move floor lamps into the corners of your rooms ... More
Improve the efficiency of your swimming pool, spa or hot tub ... More
If you are painting a room, choose light colours ... More
Turn your thermostat down at night or when you’re not home ... More
Save electricity by using your clothes dryer more efficiently ... More
Turn off your computer, monitor and peripherals (e.g. printer, scanner) when they are not in use ... More
Use daylight to illuminate your house ... More
Save electricity by using your clothes washer more efficiently ... More
Use ceiling fans to save energy year round ... More
Hit the showers – a short shower uses about half as much water as a bath ... More
Save electricity by using your fridge more efficiently ... More
Unplug your charger when the device is not connected ... More
Turn the lights out when you don't need them ... More
If you’re cold, put on a sweater or use a blanket ... More
Save electricity by using your dishwasher more efficiently ... More
Use your windows to take advantage of solar heat ... More
Watch less TV ... More
Use your freezer more efficiently to save energy ... More
Wash your clothes in cold water ... More
Use task lighting when appropriate ... More
Air-dry your clothes to save electricity ... More
Use your hot water wisely ... More
Use the lowest wattage light needed to adequately light an area ... More
A laptop computer uses up to 90% less energy than a desktop ... More
Put rugs on cold floors ... More
Close the damper when the fireplace is not in use ... More
Avoid controlling too many lights with a single switch ... More
Adjust your cooking habits to save electricity ... More