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...Everything you need for your project...

Check out the links below for all the information on our website for your project. You'll find project newsletters, record sheets, leader guides, showmanship & judging info, application forms, related links, and more!

Wondering which project to choose? Click here for tips.

Life Skills Projects
Cake Decorating
Is there a special occasion coming up? Learn basic cake decorating techniques and then advance to create designs, borders, and flowers.
Learn about how a computer works, using different types of software programs, the Internet, and much more!
This project gives you a chance to be creative! Members are required to complete three articles using different techniques. This possibilities are endless!
Exploring 4-H
Want to try a bit of everything? Learn about crafts, foods, animals, the outdoors, communicating, and much more, to help you choose future projects. A good choice for cloverbuds and first year members.
First Aid
In this project you can learn a variety of first aid techniques, CPR, how to make a first aid kit, and what to do in emergency situations.
In this project, you can learn to grow your own flower garden, start houseplants from cuttings, and learn to make flower arrangements.
This project gives you a chance to be creative! Members are required to complete three articles using different techniques. This possibilities are endless!
Do you have a green thumb? This project will help you learn to grow, maintain, and harvest your own vegetable garden.
Trace your history! Research your family tree and explore the crafts, foods, and other aspects of days gone by.
Junior Leader
The Sky's The Limit! This project is for senior members who are looking for a challenge. It's designed to build leadership skills by providing you with the chance to lead any aspect of your club which interests you, such as a project group, recreation, communication, etc. (For members age 14 and older).
Explore the Great Outdoors! Learn about trees, plants, hiking, camping, wildlife, how to use a compass and maps, and much more.
Say cheese! Learn how to take different types of photos of animals, people, landscapes, and special effects.
Have boxes and boxes of photos - why not try this new project and organize them into a scrapbook for everyone to see.
Make the garments of your choice! Five levels are available in this project so there's something for everyone - from small household items to prom dresses and jackets.
Small Engines
Have you ever wondered how engines work or how to fix them? Learn about the parts of small engines, how they are assembled, and troubleshooting.
Vet Science
This is a challenging project for members interested in learning about Veterinary Science. Topics covered include the digestive system, respiratory system, immunology, zoology, and public health.
Learn types of welding equipment, safety procedures, and how to make different types of welds.
Do you want to learn to build things with wood? A table? A birdfeeder? This project offers lots of choices for both the beginner and experienced member.

Livestock Projects

Members learn about selecting their calf, feeding, care, showmanship, and about commercial beef production. Market Steer and Beef Yearling projects are also offered.
Learn about selecting a calf, nutrition, grooming, health, showmanship and how dairy farms operate. A Dairy Yearling project is also available.
Dog Obedience
Take your dog through obedience classes to learn a variety of commands and behaviors.
Draft Horse
In this project you can learn about nutrition, basic grooming, mane and tail braiding, showmanship, and the history of draft horses in Nova Scotia.
Learn about various goat breeds, care, feeding, showmanship, and conformation.
Light Horse (English,Western, Basics)
Giddy up! Learn about horse breeds, showmanship, general care, grooming, English or Western riding, and much more. A Light Horse Driving project is also offered.
Market Steer / Lamb / Turkey
Learn about raising a market animal and sell it by auction at NS 4-H Show.
Which came first - the chicken or the egg? Purchase chicks to raise, or hatch your own. Learn about care, feeding, housing, showmanship, and conformation. A Market Turkey project is also offered.
This is an excellent choice for members looking for a small livestock project. Learn about fancy and utility rabbit breeds, care, and feeding, showmanship, and conformation.
In this project, learn about raising a lamb, nutrition, housing, management, clipping, wool production, and showmanship. Market Lamb and Sheep Yearling projects are also offered.
Learn about care, feeding, housing,
showmanship, and conformation of different breeds of ducks.

Other Projects Available (on a county basis)
(These projects may be available on a county basis but are not eligible for competition at the 2007 NS 4-H Show)

Adventures in Agriculture Learn about the agriculture industry in Nova Scotia
Are you interested in helping the environment? Choose this project to learn about water, soil, energy, wildlife, chemicals, recycling, and what you can do in your home and community.
This project covers the topics such as the fishing industry in Nova Scotia, fish identification, aquaculture, and sportfishing.
Miniature Horse and Donkey
Learn about raising and showing miniature horses and donkeys.
Learn about training oxen, feeding, showmanship, working classes, and the importance of oxen in Nova Scotia's history.
Create a project from an idea of your own. Plan, design, carry out, and evaluate a project to fit your special interest (For members age 14 and over).
Learn about nutrition, care, management, housing, and showmanship of swine.
In this project, members learn about different types of tractors and how they work, and participate in driving competitions.
Learn to identify, and collect common weeds of Nova Scotia. Requirements include a plant collection, field book, and specialty item.




  Last Update: May 1, 2007