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4-H Record Sheets

  Publication Date: December 1999

Recording Your Information
Tips on Completing Record Sheets
Notes on Livestock Record Sheets
In General

Every 4-H project requires a record sheet. In order to complete a 4-H project, members must have a satisfactory record sheet. If a member is using more than one project, they must do record sheet for each project.

Recording Your Information

* The record sheet should be in your own handwriting, not an older sister's or brother's, a parent's or a leaders. Remember, this is a LEARN TO DO BY DOING experience and the judge wants to see your own printing/writing, not someone else's work.

* Members are allowed to use a computer or a typewriter to fill in your record sheet.

* If you are in more than one project, the members may photocopy the meeting report page but must include project and general meeting comments. However, there must be a meeting report on each record sheet.

* It looks much neater if you use all the same colour of ink. For example, try not to do half your records in blue, and half in green. It is a good idea, however to do calculations and graphs in a dark pencil as you may need to erase, etc.

* Write or print as neatly as possible, in pen or a dark pencil.

* Check spelling.

Tips on Completing Record Sheets

Generally, 4-H staff look for a neat, accurate, and detailed record sheet. Therefore, it is important to take pride in your record sheet. Some pointers include:

* Answer all section / questions on the record sheet, do not leave any spaces blank.

* Put in samples of materials, pictures, etc. where requested and where applicable (ie. Craft record sheet). Make sure that all materials are secure. Try not to use excess glue, and keep in mind that tape does not always hold materials in place for a long period of time.

* Personal comments, and likes and dislikes are important! They make your record sheet individual and accurately describe your impression of the project. Give a many details as possible. If you are mentioning a dislike or problem with the project, make it constructive criticism, not negative.

* Meeting Reports are important...Mention both project and general meetings, as well as any special events. You may want to list project meetings first, followed by general meetings, and special events. Or you may prefer to record events as they happen from your first meeting of the 4-H year. It's up to you!

* Record your age as of JANUARY 1 of the current 4-H year.

* Be sure all calculations are totalled.

* Do not add more than one additional sheet of paper to your record sheet. This sheet can only be used to record general or project meetings and special events.

* Keep all measurements in either metric or imperial, but NOT both.

* Non-livestock members should accurately note exactly stitches learned, cake decorating tips used, exact types of equipment used to complete the woodworking project, distance travelled on a hike in the Great Outdoors, dates of St. John Ambulance course, length of time to complete course, etc. These comments could be included in the sections assigned for personal remarks.

* When recording the cost materials which were given to you or which you've had on hand from previous years, it is a good idea to estimate the cost of materials(s). Assign a value to them and note that you did not actually purchase these materials during the 4-H year. It helps to make your records more accurate and gives a better idea of the real cost / value of your project.

* Tell more than just the date, time, and place of the meetings. A short note on what was discussed at the meeting is expected. If you are unable to attend a meeting or event recorded on your record sheet, mention that in place of comments on what happened at the meeting.

For Example:

January 19, 1997 7 pm., Parish Hall, General Meeting.
Discussed Fundraising and Club Rally.

February 23, 1997 8 pm., Parish Hall, Craft Meeting worked on knitting.
Learned how to follow pattern. Fun time!

March 1, 1997 2 pm., Arena, Skating Party
I was unable to attend this event.

Notes on Livestock Record Sheets

* Livestock members should remember that NOT ALL months have 30 days! You can find the cost per day and multiply it by 30 in April to get the monthly cost, but in February, you multiply it by 28 days, and in July, by 31 days. Livestock members should remember that there is both and height AND weight graph on some record sheets (ie. Calf record sheet ) and that the graphs should be labelled.

* When determining net loss / gain, mention it as a loss (-) or a gain (+).

* Begin growth and feed records as soon as your livestock project is selected. It preferable to see the records that start early in the club year.

* Livestock members should accurately note dates they switched from starter feed to grower feed, when ILT took place, dates of mortality, breeding dates, when litters were born, number of rabbits / litter, how long it took the birds to get the feathers, dates of vet visits, description of treatment for health problems, cost of medication if it was "on hand," dates of dehorning, castration, etc. These comments could be included in the sections assigned for personal remarks, etc.

In General

* Do your best, remember that record keeping is an important part of 4-H, and "Learn To Do By Doing".

* Do not leave your record sheet until the day before Achievement Day; work on it as events happen.

  Last Update: May 1, 2007