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Volunteer Leader Screening
Information for New 4-H Leaders

Nova Scotia 4-H thanks you for your interest in becoming a 4-H Leader. The 4-H program could not exist without input from many dedicated volunteers, and your skills are needed! As a 4-H Leader, you would assume an important role in the development of youth, since members will look to you for guidance and support.

Our goal is to have a safe environment for 4-H youth, as well as a quality program. To respond to our changing environment, the Nova Scotia 4-H Council passed a resolution at its 1998 meeting, that all Nova Scotia 4-H Volunteer Leaders be required to undergo a screening process.

You are asked to complete the following for leader screening purposes:

1. Nova Scotia 4-H Leader Application - Reference Check Form. Please return to your General Club Leader, who will get it to the local screening committee. The local screening committee will do the reference checks.
Download Reference Check form (pdf format)*

2. Police Record Check - Please take to your local RCMP station with photo ID and return results of search to the Nova Scotia 4-H Council, Volunteer Screening, Box 550, Truro, B2N 5E3. (Please note some detachments may require a birth certificate.
Download Police Record Check form (pdf format)*

3. The Child Abuse Register - Please complete this form entirely and sign it in the presence of someone who can administer an oath. A list is attached. Return form to Child Abuse Register, Department of Community Services, P.O. Box 696, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2T7.
**This form is not available online. Please contact your local 4-H Specialist to obtain a copy.
Download a list of who can administer an oath. *

4. Information Session - If you were not a Nova Scotia 4-H Leader last year, you will be required to attend a group Information Session. At this session, you will receive information about the Nova Scotia 4-H program from the 4-H Specialist, and you will have the opportunity to ask questions. Contact your local 4-H Specialist to find out the workshop date in your county.

New - Online Information Session - If you are unable to attend the New Leader Information Session in your area, you can now review the workshop material and send in a completed Knowledge Test online.


All results will be kept confidential, and will be permanently stored in the Provincial 4-H Office. If there are any concerns with your application the Nova Scotia 4-H Council will contact you about the status of your application.

At present, the RCMP and Department of Community Services do not charge for the searches. Having a criminal record, or being recorded on the Child Abuse Register does not mean your application will automatically be rejected.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to complete the screening process.

Yours Sincerely,

The Nova Scotia 4-H Council

Download additional leader information, including job descriptions and 4-H behavior guidelines. *

* These documents requires the latest free Adobe Reader for viewing. The free Reader is available here:


  Last Update: May 1, 2007