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South Shore Region 4-H

Lunenburg - Queens - Shelburne Counties

Where are the Clubs?

South Shore 4-H News
December 2007
It’s Registration Time Again!

Clubs by now have completed their registration process and it is on to 2007!

NS 4-H Annual 4-H Meeting
The 2007 NS 4-H Annual meeting was held on November 16th & 17th in Truro. The changes that you need to be aware of are as follows:

NS 4-H Show 2008 & 2009
Nova Scotia 4-H Show 2008 be held in Windsor from Sept 26 - 28th , 2008.

The 2009 Nova Scotia 4 - H Show be hosted by the Lunenburg County 4 - H Council on the Grounds of the South Shore Exhibition.

Registration Fees
The Nova Scotia 4-H Registration fee for 4-H Members and Cloverbuds be increased to $8.00 starting in the 2007/2008 4-H Year.

Livestock Registration
All members will be required submit livestock registration information by May 15th of the current 4-H year to provide staff with necessary information for livestock clerking sheets and barn layouts for County shows. After Achievement Day no livestock substitutions MAY be made. Pre registration forms are still required for Scotiabank Beef and Dairy. Note This brings back the former Livestock registration form that was completed annually by clubs. It will be printed in the 2008 General Leaders’ Kit.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the NS 4-H Program changes age guidelines of the Sheep Project to the open show standard, ie. "1st pair of temporary incisors in place".

The Sheep Class will now be divided into the following sections
Section 1 - Ewe Lamb Suffolk
Section 2 - Ewe Lamb Dorset
Section 3 - Ewe Lamb North Country Cheviot
Section 4 - Ewe Lamb Other - Purebred
Section 5 - Ewe Lamb - Other
Section 6 - Ram Lamb

Pre - Novice Dog Project
The 4-H Pre Novice Level Dog Project Members will have the same requirements according to CKC Rules as in the past, with the exception of off leash changed to on leash at 4-H Pre Novice Level

Light Horse
All 4-H Light Horse Junior and Senior members must wear SEI-ASTM approved equestrian helmets that are properly fitted and fastened at all times when riding and/ or driving at 4-H events. For other information relating to Horse projects, see the 2008 Horse Newsletter.

Square Dancing will no longer be a separate event at 4 - H Weekend. Counties wishing to continue the tradition can enter it as their entry in regional entertainment competition.

Tug of War
There be one weigh in on Friday night OF PROVINCIAL SHOW for all possible tug of war team members. Members will be weighed in individually and tagged with a non-removable ID bracelet and individual weights recorded. Team captains are then responsible to submit rosters OF MEMBERS NAMES AND INDIVIDUAL WEIGHTS to organizing committee two hours prior to pulls OF team weights WITH THE EXCEPTION OF FRIDAY NIGHT.

Public Speaking
The Junior Thanker and Junior Introducer score sheets used in the past for evaluating these competitions will be adopted for use once again by Nova Scotia 4-H Council. Copies of these individual score sheets can be found in the 2008 General Leader Guide.

Exploring 4 - H Project
The Exploring 4 - H Project will now be available to any Junior Member in his or her first year of the 4-H program.

Cake Decorating - Level 1
Members in Level 1 Cake Decorating can now use Tip #67 in addition to Tip #4, #16, #21 and #131 . As a result of this change, Cake Decorating members be required to use A MINIMUM of three of the five Level 1 Tips.

Scrapbooking Competition
A Scrapbooking Competition be added to the Provincial Show schedule for 2008 and Hants County will volunteer to be responsible for the competition in 2008.

Small Engines
Members in the Small Engines Project will now have to complete two (2) projects from the sections for their Achievement Day Completion and the class list for Small Engines will be as follows:

Section 1: Posters & Reports
Section 2: Displays
Section 3: Rebuild/Refurbish to include photos that show progression of their project from beginning to end.
Section 4: Specialty Project

Upcoming Events/Deadlines









7 - 9






Deadline for Scrapbooking Workshop Applications to 4H Office

Lunenburg Family Skate

Real Employment and Life Skills Program (See below)

Lunenburg Council Meeting -7:30 pm - Location TBA

4 - H Staff Mtgs - Truro

Queens County Annual Meeting - 7:00 pm North Queens High School

Creating Partners - Building Communities Conference

Chat a Rama

Members Workshop - Rabbits,Cake Decorating, Photography and more - Lawrencetown

Leaders Craft Workshop - Wileville

Leaders Life Skills Judging Workshop - Kentville

Lunenburg County Family Skate

Saturday, December 22,2007
Bridgewater Arena
12:30 to 2:00 pm Skate
2:00 - 4:00 pm Social - Upstairs

Cost : $ 2.00 per person
(includes the skate and 1 pop and
1 piece of pizza at the Social)

Wishing you the Best of the Season. May you spend this season with the important people in your lives. Wishing you also Health and Happiness in 2008

South Shore Regional 4-H Office
Valorie Oickle
4-H Specialist
NS Department of Agriculture
210-99 High Street
Provincial Building
Bridgewater, NS
B4V 1V8
Telephone: 902-543-0616
Fax: 902-543-0618
E-Mail: oicklevh

Rural Employment and Life Skills Program

• Need Experience to get a job of your choice

• Need a Job to Get The Experience

Pilot Project for N.S. 4-H Programs for 2008 Funded by N.S. Department of Agriculture (4-H and Rural Organizations) and in Lunenburg County, by the Lunenburg County 4 - H Council.

Rural Employment and Life Skills Program REAL SKILLS:

Goals of the Program:
• to provide an opportunity for rural youth to learn practical skills to help them prepare for employment
• to increase the knowledge of youth of the industries and occupations available
• to provide local businesses and organizations, the opportunity to provide training skills that are important
• to provide opportunities to build a portfolio of information, including certificates, for future references
• All 4-H members must be a registered 4-H member in another project
• Members must be 15 years of age to participate
• All members must complete ALL of the Real Skills requirements to have a project completion. Each session will require a session report signed by the presenter
• All other activities such as meeting attendance, club participation, public speaking would be required for a GOLD completion
• The portfolio will be presented at Achievement Day and at Exhibition as a 4-H Showcase Project
• Binders will be provided to build the portfolio

Real Skills Program Requirements;

Section #1.
Small Business Development
(Each Session will 2 hours in length at the Provincial Building , Bridgewater)

• Introduction to “Students in Business”
Starting a Business and
Developing a Business Plan
January 22,2008

• Marketing& More!
January 30,2008

Each session will be led by Matthew Hallet of “Students in Business”

Section #2.
Fundamental Work Essentials:

The time and place of the three(3) sessions are yet to be determined.(Tentatively planned for February & March)

• CPR First Aid ( a one day course on a Saturday, free of charge to 4-H members)

• WHMIS and Introduction to Occupational Health & Safety

• Food Handlers Course( to be determined and there will be a cost)

Section #3:
(Each Session will 2 hours in length at the Provincial Building , Bridgewater)

• Leadership : Finding the Leader in You

• Communications, Public Speaking and the How to’s to having a Great Interview.

• Working in Effective Teams to Produce Positive Results

(Titles of sessions may change slightly as presenters are booked and these sessions are tentatively planned for April and May)

Note: Space is limited - We require a minimum of 5 participants and no more than 10 participants for this pilot.

To register, please call the 4 - H Office at 543-0616 or email Valorie at before January 11, 2008.


Where Are The Clubs?

Lunenburg County

  Branch LaHave 4-H Club - Bridgewater & surrounding areas
  Handy Hands 4-H Club - New Ross area
  Hill'n'Dale 4-H Club - Wileville area
  Lapland 4-H Club - Italy Cross, Hebb's Cross areas
  Livewires 4-H Club - New Germany, Barss Corner areas
  Ocean Breeze 4-H Club - Chester area
  Two Bays 4-H Club - Blandford area
  Waterloo 4-H Project Club - Waterloo & surrounding areas

Shelburne County

  Roseway River 4-H Club - Middle Ohio, Shelburne & surrounding areas

Queens County

  4 Leaf Clover 4-H Club - Calendonia & surrounding areas


For more information on 4-H in the South Shore Region, contact:

Valorie Oickle
4-H Specialist
NS Department of Agriculture & Fisheries
99 High Street, Suite 211
Bridgewater, N.S.
B4V 1V8

phone: (902) 543-0616
fax: (902) 543-0618

  Last Update: December 13, 2007