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Land Claims/First Nations Relations - Home Page

First Nations woman, child and drum. Government of Yukon Photo

Welcome to the home page of the Land Claims and Implementation Secretariat/First Nation Relations branch of the Executive Council Office.

This office is the lead agency within the Government of Yukon regarding relations with Yukon First Nation governments.

This includes the negotiation and implementation of modern-day treaties (land claim agreements) and self-government agreements with Yukon First Nations and the Government of Canada.

In recent years, new emphasis has been placed by the Yukon government on the evolving government-to-government relationships with self-governing First Nations, including initiatives such as the Yukon Forum.  

To learn more about the Yukon, its land claims and the evolving relations between governments, please continue browsing our website. We also encourage you to provide feedback on our site or to contact us.



Contact Us

Land Claims and Implementation Secretariat
204 Main Street, 2nd Floor

Our mailing address is:
Government of Yukon
Box 2703, A-14
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 2C6
Phone (867) 667-5035
Toll free (In Yukon):
local 5035
Fax (867) 667-3599

Previous Page Last Updated 06-09-2006