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Industry Partnering Programs

Rental Rehabilitation Program
This program may provide landlords with the opportunity to borrow up to $30,000 per unit to improve their residential rental units. Technical Officers evaluate the rental unit based on the following components: structural, electrical, plumbing, heating system, fire safety, energy efficiency and accessibility. Health, safety and structural repairs and upgrades are mandatory, whereas all other repairs are optional.
Rental Suite Program
This program may provide up to $25,000 low interest financing to upgrade an existing rental suite. Repayment terms up to 10 years are available. Technical Officers provide design and costing information to help clients with their project. This program may be available to those homeowners who wish to upgrade a living suite located in their home. The construction of a new living suite is only eligible under certain criteria.
Joint Venture Program
This partnership program levers private sector financing towards the increase of housing options and the development and demonstration of technologies to improve the quality of housing in the Yukon. Proposals must address an identified housing related need in the community that is not likely to be met without Yukon Housing Corporation's involvement as lender of last resort. Projects that deal with new technologies must be supportable by local labour and products. All projects must be undertaken in the Yukon, with maximum use of local material and labour.

Need more information on this program? We welcome your call or visit or send us an email including your daytime telephone number - a Program Officer will call you within two business days.


Contact Us:

410H Jarvis Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2H5
Phone: (867) 667-5759
Fax: (867) 667-3664
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5759

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