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Hunting Licences

You must have a valid hunting licence to hunt in the Yukon. The current licence year runs from April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008.

Licence Fees (GST extra)

Big Game and Small Game


Yukon resident
Non-resident Canadian
Non-resident alien
Trapping concession holder
Indian or Inuit
Yukon resident,
65 years or older


Small Game Only


Yukon resident


Hunting licences are available at:

* only if you had a hunting licence in the previous year

You may obtain only one hunting licence of the same type during any licensing year unless your licence is lost or destroyed.

You must carry your licence

You must sign your licence, carry it with you when hunting, and produce it when asked to do so by a Conservation Officer or RCMP Officer.

A Yukon resident is:

A Canadian citizen or landed immigrant whose main residence has been in the Yukon for at least 12 months before applying for a licence, and who has been physically present in the Yukon for at least 185 days during that period.

A Residency Exemption declaration form is available for residents who maintain their principal residence here, but who must leave the territory for work, to attend school or for medical reasons. Residency Exemption forms are available at all Environment Yukon offices.

You cannot hold resident hunting licences in two jurisdictions. It is unlawful to apply for or obtain a Yukon resident hunting licence if you hold a valid resident hunting licence in another jurisdiction.

Small Game and Game Birds

A small game licence entitles you to hunt snowshoe hare, arctic ground squirrel, porcupine, grouse and ptarmigan. Marmots, woodchucks and all other small mammals and birds (except those noted in the migratory bird regulations) are protected.

Migratory Birds

It is unlawful to hunt migratory birds without a federal migratory game bird permit and a Yukon small game or big game hunting licence. The federal permit is available at post offices along with the regulations describing legal species and bag limits. Open season for ducks, geese, rails, coots, sandhill cranes and snipe runs from September 1 to October 31. All other migratory birds are protected from hunting.

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