Energy Mines and Resources

Master Gardener Course

Help Home Gardeners By Becoming A Yukon Master Gardener

We offer the Master Gardener Course to train volunteers to assist home gardeners by providing information and technical instruction in northern gardening techniques.

Most years a series of instructors will deliver a 40 hour course, giving you a broad background in plant botany and physiology, soils, plant taxonomy, outdoor and greenhouse gardening, lawns, houseplants, pests and pest control, herbs and medicinal plants and ornamental horticulture.

Your registration fee will also get you the Yukon Gardener's Manual, various written handouts and fact sheets. Registration is limited to 25 students on a first come first served basis.

The course is usually held in late January of each year.

Your pre-requisite is to be familiar with Yukon gardening conditions and committed to volunteering 40 hours of your time to provide gardening information to others.

Agriculture Branch

Phone: 867.667.5838
    Toll Free: 1.800.661.0408 ext. 5838
Fax: 867.393.6222