
Reporting Child Abuse

All Yukoners have a responsibility to ensure the protection of children from abuse.

If you have concerns about the safety of child, please contact Family and Children’s Services at 667-3002 to report your concerns if they affect a child under the age of 18 years.

By law, only child care workers, and teachers must report suspected child abuse. Physicians and health care staff are also bound by professional ethics to report although this is not mandatory in the Yukon.

Indicators of child abuse:

When children exhibit the effects of child abuse it is generally not seen in one behaviour but a pattern of behaviours across time or the presence of a cluster of indicators which might indicate the presence of child abuse.

Physical Abuse is defined as a deliberate, non-accidental assault or use of force against a  child that results in physical harm. Types of force include slapping, hitting, punching, shaking, choking, kicking and burning It could  be the result of excessive or inappropriate discipline and could include bruises, burns, welts, broken bones or greenbreak fractures or bite marks or scars.

Emotional Abuse can range from habitual humiliation to withholding life-sustaining nurturing. The abuse is persistent and chronic to the point that it damages the child causing severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal or self-destructive or aggressive behavior. Repeated attacks on a child’s self worth in the form of insults, isolation, rejecting, unrealistic expectations or constant criticism. Terrorizing a child with threats of harm to others or  they care about or their pets. It can include living in families where domestic violence is an issue.

Neglect: the failure to provide for a child’s basic needs including: providing sufficient and proper food clothing and shelter. Parents may be inattentive to or refuse to provide medical care, or supervision appropriate to the age of the child. A child may not be attending school or the parent may not stop a youth from harming themselves or others.

Call 667-3002 if you have any concerns that a child is being abused in any way.