
Placement and Support Services

Placement and Support Services oversees a variety of distinct but related services offered by several programs. They include adoption, foster care, services for children in care, child abuse treatment and child care services. The various programs provide services for children taken into care and custody, and provide specialized counselling, support and specialized assistance to children and their families to encourage the skills of caregivers and strengthen the family unit.

Foster Care Services

The unit's support workers provide support, consultation and liaison with resources and training for foster parents. They work closely with the Yukon Foster Parent Association.

Child Abuse Treatment Services (CATS)

Child victims of sexual and physical abuse, and those children who have witnessed family violence receive treatment through CATS. The program offers three categories of service: counselling, consultation and training. It offers treatment groups based on age and type of abuse experienced. Counselling and support groups also provide help to non-offending parent(s) and siblings. Individual and group treatment is available year-round. Pre-adolescents account for two thirds of referrals to the program.

Adoption Services

Adoption Services provide pre-and post-adoption services to children and families. Pre-Adoption services include assessment, placement, group and individual counselling, training and support. The unit works closely with First Nations during assessment and placement processes to place First Nations children in culturally appropriate homes. Post-adoption services include counselling, assessment and support for the family. Adoption Services is involved in agency as well as private and relative adoptions. It also assists adult adoptees and birth parents seeking disclosure, reunion information or counselling.

Services to Children in Care and Custody

This unit provides a variety of services to meet the needs of children in temporary or permanent care. Services include assessment, counselling, on-going planning and placement in a safe, caring and nurturing environment where special needs of children can be met. The program also offers special services and treatment to meet the mental, emotional and physical needs of these children.