
Yukon Communicable Disease Control

Yukon Communicable Disease Unit provides confidential testing for all sexually transmitted diseases from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Appointments in the morning, drop-in between 12:30 and 4:00 p.m. The unit monitors and controls all infectious diseases. Contact Yukon Communicable Disease Unit for HIV testing and treatment, STD testing and treatment, emergency and non-emergency birth control, needle stick injuries, food poisoning, Hepatitis C testing and treatment, and other matters related to infectious diseases.


Gardasil™ is a new vaccine recently approved by Health Canada. Its purpose is to reduce the incidence of genital warts and cervical cancer in girls and women between 9 and 26 years of age.

As of this date, the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) and the Canadian Immunization Committee (CIC), Canada's two national expert immunization committees, have not issued a statement on the vaccine's use.

The Yukon's Territorial Advisory Committee on Immunization (TACI) will not make recommendations to the Department of Health and Social Services until it receives and reviews the national expert opinion.

In the meantime, Yukoners who wish to do so, can obtain the HPV vaccine, delivered in three doses, at a cost of $404.85 ($134.95 per dose). The Gardasil™ must be prescribed by a physician.

Those interested in obtaining the vaccine can contact their local health centre [] to make arrangements.

For more information on the vaccine, please see the Health Canada web site [] or contact the Yukon Communicable Disease Control office at 667-8369, or toll-free from Yukon communities at 1-800-661-0408, ext. 8369.

(Posted on September 16, 2007) 

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