Department of Tourism and Culture

Yukon Visual Arts Craft Strategy


The Yukon Visual Arts Craft Strategy is a plan to develop the visual arts and crafts industry in Yukon.

The strategy represents research and consultation with the Yukon arts sector and evaluations of craft development initiatives from other jurisdictions.

Some of the recommendations are being implemented by the Arts Section; the long-term plan involves producers, retailers, communities, First Nations, other industry associations in tourism and heritage fields as well as a commitment for resources from government.

Created In the Yukon

The Created in the Yukon program was created to raise awareness of the wide array of Yukon-made arts and crafts products that are available across the territory.

The Created In Yukon label helps Yukoners and visitors readily identify Yukon-made products such as books, CDs, carvings, paintings, baskets, sculptures, pottery, soaps, jams and jellies or other items completed by Yukoners.

Upcoming Workshops

Fine Artists and Craft Artists Mentorship and Workshop Opportunities

The Cultural Services Branch is offering mentorship and marketing workshop opportunities led by Helen Sebelius and Lou Lynn of Sebelius, Lynn & Associates.

Mentorship for Fine Artists and Craft Artists (limit 15 participants)
March 10-14 - Studio visits
March 17-18 - Workshop
The mentorship program is designed to provide in-depth, focused training to mid-career fine artists and craft artists who create original, one-of-a-kind work.
Pre-requisite: Applicants must have existing portfolio and promotional materials and a committed studio or business practice.

COST:  $75.00


Marketing for Fine Artists and Craft Artists (limit 25 participants)
March 19 and 20
This introductory workshop is designed for emerging fine artists and craft artists interested in learning how to market their art work and move toward a financially viable art or craft practice.

COST:  $25.00
Registration deadline: March 14

For more information and to register for either of these programs, please contact:

Heather LeDuc, A/Curator
Department of Tourism and Culture, Arts Section
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
(867)667-5858 or 1-800-661-0408