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Accommodating Home Mortgage Program

A New Standard for Home Construction

The Accommodating Home Mortgage Program promotes the construction of homes that are easier to enter, get around in, interact with, and adapt for future needs. Such homes more readily accommodate everyone in society - be they young or old; short or tall; able-bodied or living with illness, disability or injury.

To encourage industry response to the need for Accommodating Homes, Yukon Housing Corporation is pleased to offer the following program incentives:

1) a tiered interest rate reduction on the mortgage financing of homes that meet or exceed the technical requirements of an Accommodating Home, and
2) enrolment of each qualifying residence in an Accommodating Home Registry that will support marketing and re-sale efforts.

What is an Accommodating Home?

An Accommodating Home is a normal, everyday residence built with the following principles in mind:

  • greater utility and convenience for people of all ages and ability levels;
  • fewer potential sources of accident and injury;
  • anticipation of future renovations that improve access and utility; and
  • anticipation of future home automation and use of technological aids.

Design, construction and finishing details that address these concerns can range from the simple to the complex. In determining which details would define an Accommodating Home, Yukon Housing Corporation has embraced the best of the simple solutions, and the most critical of those which will involve some planning and expense.

"A" Features of an Accommodating Home

The "A" Features of an Accommodating Home are a shortlist of the essential things to address during a home's design and construction. They solve a majority of the trouble spots in conventional housing for only a modest investment in additional floor space, materials and labour. Renovations to incorporate these features at a later date are typically expensive when compared to the cost of up-front installation. In some cases, they would be difficult if not impossible to achieve.

Residences which have the following thirteen features, as defined in the Accommodating Home Builders' Guide and Checklist (PDF 96KB), are eligible for certification as an Accommodating Home.
A.1 A Wide Parking Space
A.2 Stair-free Access to an Exterior Entrance with Wide Landings
A.3 Wide Doors, Hallways and Stairs
A.4 Ample Maneuvering Space in Key Rooms
A.5 All Rooms on Each Storey at the Same Elevation
A.6 Flush or Low-profile Door Thresholds and Flooring Transitions
A.7 Wall Reinforcement in Washrooms, Bathrooms and Stairwells
A.8 Adequate Lighting in Traffic and Work Areas
A.9 Specific Heights and Locations for Electrical Controls and Outlets
A.10 Lower Waste Pipes Under Sinks
A.11 Some Lower Windows
A.12 Easy to Operate Hardware and Fixtures
A.13 Provisions for Self-sufficiency on the Main Floor (applies only to homes with an upper storey or basement)

"B" Features of an Accommodating Home

The "B" Features of an Accommodating Home make a dwelling even more adaptable and user-friendly. They entail additional attention to the layout and built-in amenities of key rooms, and to the performance characteristics of floor finishes. Other beneficial details are contrasting trim and provisions for future use of "assistive technology" such as lifts and automatic door openers.

In homes with more than one storey, space provisions for a residential elevator are a modest concession with a potentially big payoff. Come the day when a household member can no longer manage stairs, access to the entire home remains an affordable possibility.

Accommodating Homes which incorporate the "B" Features listed below, as well as the "A" Features outlined previously, qualify their owners for an additional reduction in mortgage interest.

B.1 Provisions for Installation of a Residential Elevator in a Multiple Storey Home
B.2 An Accommodating Kitchen
B.3 An Accommodating Bathroom
B.4 Colour Contrast at Doorways and Stair Treads
B.5 Slip Resistant and Low-gloss Flooring in Key Rooms
B.6 Low Pile Carpet and Shallow Underpad (where carpet is the chosen floor finish)
B.7 Pre-wiring for Future Home Adaptation

Certification Checklist

The "A" and "B" Features of an Accommodating Home are described in detail in the Accommodating Home Builders' Guide and Checklist (PDF 96KB). This comprehensive document presents rationales for the Accommodating Home features, a checklist of the mandatory items that comprise each feature, installation details, diagrams, and other non-mandatory suggestions for consideration by the builder or homeowner.

Further information on the certification process for the Accommodating Home Mortgage Program can be obtained from a Technical Officer at Yukon Housing Corporation. Call or visit or send us an email including your daytime telephone number. Yukon Housing Staff will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.


Contact Us:

410H Jarvis Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2H5
Phone: (867) 667-5759
Fax: (867) 667-3664
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 5759

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 16-03-2007