Government of Yukon

Funds and Grants

Advanced Artist Award
Helps advanced Yukon visual, literary and performing artists practising at a senior level. Assists with innovative projects, travel or educational pursuits that contribute to their personal artistic development and to their community.

Arts Fund
Supports group projects that foster the creative development of the arts in the Yukon and support the principles of the Yukon Arts Policy.

Business Incentive Program
The Business Incentive Program (BIP) pays cash rebates as incentives to contractors who hire Yukon residents, apprentices and youth or manufactured products in the Yukon. Rebates apply to eligible Yukon government contracts.

Child Care Subsidy Program
Helps families who need child care and may not be able to afford the cost.

Community Development Fund (CDF)
The Community Development Fund (CDF) gives Yukon groups, associations and organizations money for projects and events that create jobs, contribute to community well being and bring social and economic benefits to Yukon residents.

Community Grants for Family Violence Projects
Yearly grants for a new idea or program relating to family violence. The total amount available is $2,500.

Community Youth Activities
If you have an idea for a summer project for young people in your community, this program can help you get the funding to make it happen.

Crime Prevention Funding Program
Projects that provide services and information to victims of crime and projects that reduce the incidence of crime, address root causes, prevent violence against women and publicize information about crime prevention are eligible for funding.

Cultural Industry Training Fund
Funded by Department of Education and administered by MusicYukon, this fund assists Individual Yukon entrepreneurs, businesses, collectives, industry associations or organisations engaged in cultural industries or the arts.

Enterprise Trade Fund
Stimulates and supports the growth of Yukon business activity through market penetration and expansion and business development.

Film Development Fund
For the development of film projects which are financially and creatively controlled by Yukon residents and Yukon corporations.

Film Location Incentive Program
Yukon offers financial incentives to eligible productions who take advantage of the Yukon's spectacular film locations. Rebates are available for travel, Yukon labour and training.

Health Profession Education Bursary
Support Yukon students in attaining health profession education. Download the application online.

Heritage Training Fund
Funds limited-term training for Yukon independent heritage workers, groups, and collectives of workers. To enhance and advance their capacity to obtain and create employment and give prospective employers a better trained heritage labour force.

Historic Properties Assistance Program
Helps individuals, community groups, societies, Yukon First Nations and businesses become involved in the heritage preservation process.

Historic Resources Fund
The types of projects considered include:archaeology, palaeontology, community museums, First Nations Heritage or Cultural Centres, historic sites, native language preservation, toponymy, historical research.

Home Owner's Grant
Any homeowner can make apply for a Home Owner's Grant for their principal residence.

Home Ownership Programs
Bridges market gaps in the availability of home financing and encourages the construction or conversion of housing that is environmentally or people friendly.

Mining Incentive Program
This program promotes mineral prospecting, exploration and development activities in the Yukon. It provides a portion of the risk capital required to locate and explore mineral deposits.

Nursing Bursary Program
Supports people who live or have lived in the Yukon and are attending nursing school. Download the application form online.

Prevention of Violence Against Aboriginal Women
$100,000 yearly for programs and events designed and developed by Aboriginal women for their communities. Works to eliminate violence against Aboriginal women.

Regional Economic Development Fund
Funds are available for projects that promote organizational capacity and facilitate regional economic development.

Rural Electrification and Telecommunications Program
Available to owners of rural property owners. Supports a range of electrical service installations, it provides planing, design, project management, and project financing at favorable interest rates.

Sound Recording Program
The Yukon Sound Recording Program supports the Yukon recording industry, further develops the cultural industries sector, and encourages a business focus among the Yukon music industry.

Strategic Industries Development Fund
Assistance is available for strategic projects or activities in the preliminary, development and implementation stages.

Student Financial Assistance (apply online)
Five programs provide financial help to Yukon post-secondary students. These include the Yukon Grant, the Student Training allowance, the Yukon Excellence Awards, Canada Student Loan programs and a variety of scholarships. Apply online today.

Student Training and Employment Program (STEP) for employers
Government and non-government employers can apply for a wage subsidy to help provide summer jobs for Yukon post-secondary students.

The Film Production Fund
The fund offers financial contributions for the production of films which are financially and creatively controlled by Yukon residents and Yukon corporations.

Tourism Cooperative Marketing Fund
Funding is available for market-ready or export-ready businesses and groups.

Winter Activities Fund
The Winter Activities Fund gives money to communities to offer winter programs that are fun and provide training and jobs for young people.

Yukon Arts Funding Program
Supports non-profit societies primarily engaged in literary, visual or performing arts activities.

Yukon Filmmakers Fund
The Yukon Filmmakers Fund provides funding to Yukon film and video professionals to assist them in developing viable careers and businesses making films and videos for broadcast or commercial release.