Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Office of the Attorney General


Consumer Reporting Act

A Consumer Reporting Agency is a private business that creates, maintains and sells information about you to a business that has a right to have access to your file and has paid a fee to the Consumer Reporting Agency. There are two classes of information which may be on your file at a Consumer Reporting Agency. They are credit information and personal information. For more information go to Consumer Reporting Agencies - Your Rights & Their Responsibilities.

Consumer Reporting Agencies and persons acting as a personal information investigator must register pursuant to the Consumer Reporting Act and comply with regulations.

The Consumer Reporting Act is available online as a PDF document.


Application for Registration, Consumer Reporting Act

*Printable version of this form [90 KB PDF File]



Shaw Building

Peters, Linda (Compliance Officer) Province of PEI

Hughes, Marlene (Secretary, Consumer Services) Province of PEI

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