Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Consumer Complaints - Goods and Services

As a consumer, there are times when you feel that you received poor customer service or that you need to return something that isn’t working. Don’t be afraid to complain. It is the consumers' right, duty, even responsibility to let the company know about it. The company would rather you complain to them and give them a chance to correct the problem than tell your friends of the situation giving them reason not to patronize the business. Businesses know that a satisfied customer is a loyal customer who will come back and tell others to come as well so it is in the company’s best interest to keep consumers happy.

If you have a complaint there are steps to take to resolve the problem:

  1. Put your complaint in writing - making a phone call won’t have nearly as much impact as a letter will, but if you do make a call, keep a written log of who you spoke to and the date and time as well as what was said.
  2. Be clear, stating exactly what the problem is and how you would like it resolved. Be reasonable when requesting your resolution. This gives the business something to work with, a choice, they can either give you what you want or not.
  3. Find out to whom you need to write the letter. Maybe a good idea is the store manager with a copy to the owner.
  4. Stick to the facts. Maintain your cool and don’t be rude or insulting. Exaggerating or getting angry won’t help and may even harm your situation. You get more bees with honey than vinegar.
  5. Be sure to include serial, model or brand name and number of the product and the times and names of anyone who was involved.
  6. Include anything you’ve done so far to correct the problem, including calls made and people you’ve spoken to.
  7. Include copies of receipts, warranties, repair invoices, etc. Keep the originals.
  8. We recommend sending your complaint by registered mail and requesting a reasonable deadline for a response.
  9. If you don’t receive satisfaction then contact the manufacturer.
  10. If you still do not receive satisfaction, then contact the Consumer Services Section of the Office of the Attorney General at (902) 368-4580 or toll free at 1-800-658-1799.
Consumer Services will take complaints regarding local businesses and services. The staff do not act as consumer advocates but rather take complaints and try to help consumers by either doing some informal mediation to resolve a problem or by directing consumers to the appropriate department or agency. Complaints should be received in a written format outlining the events that have occurred and the relief that is desired. Complaints are to be mailed to Consumer Services Section, Office of the Attorney General, PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PEI, C1A 7N8. The telephone number is 368-4580 or toll free (Island residents only) at 1-800-658-1799. A sample letter of complaint is attached.

IN ADDITION the Consumer Services Section will take questions and complaints regarding the Legislation it administers which include: The Lottery Schemes Order, The Direct Sellers Act, The Collection Agencies Act, The Consumer Protection Act, The Business Practices Act, The Auctioneers Act, The Prearranged Funeral Services Act and The Cemeteries Act.


Sample Complaint Letter

If a personal visit or call hasn't produced results, write a letter to the manager or owner. Use this sample letter as a guide.

*Printable version of this form [PDF File]



Shaw Building

Hughes, Marlene (Secretary, Consumer Services) Province of PEI

Peters, Linda (Compliance Officer) Province of PEI

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