
General Help Using this Site

We have made every effort to ensure that your visit to the Environment and Labour web site is informative and enjoyable.

Information on this site has been organized into a number of categories, accessible via the main navigation at the left of every page. The current category is highlighted at the top the screen, in a coloured stripe beneath the main image.

site layout diagram

Our "breadcrumb" trail will present you with the most direct path from the page you are currently viewing back to the homepage. It can be of great value in navigating speedily through the site.

The main content is located in the center of the screen, supplemented by related links and other applicable content in a column to the right. This area is further distinguished by a colour-coded title in keeping with the category you are browsing. All pages contain a link for printing a "printer-friendly" version of the page, plus a questions link providing contact information specific to the current page. Some pages also contain feature panels which highlight important or newsworthy content in each particular subject area.

Users looking for specific information may wish to consult our sitewide search tool, while those concerned with how their personal information is handled will find a link to our privacy statement at the bottom of every page.

A Note on Accessibility

We have endeavored to make this site as accessible as possible for all ages and abilities, in the range of available browsers via modern XHTML, CSS and careful design. Visitors using screen readers may press ALT-2 (Mac CTRL-2) to skip navigation.


This site uses specialized stylesheets for printing to optimize the layout for a printed page, saving paper and ink. Please do not be alarmed if your printouts look slightly different from what you see on the screen.

Viewing PDF files

Many documents on this site are available in Adobe PDF format and require Adobe Reader software for viewing and printing. If you don't have this software you can get Adobe Reader for free from

Offsite Links

Hyperlinks to sites outside the Government of Nova Scotia web site are designated with a special icon ( offsite link icon ) for your convenience.

Reporting problems

If you encounter problems with our site or would simply like to offer feedback, please contact


Last Updated: 2005-Jul-6
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