Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Forest Analysis Branch
Ministry of Forests BranchesSearch the Forest Analysis Branch web siteContact Information for the Forest Analysis Branch
Site Contents

Forest Analysis

Current AAC
Timber Supply Review
Defined Forest Area Management

Area-Based AAC  

Forest Stewardship Planning Information Support Project
Forest Inventory & Monitoring in MPB Areas
Future Forest Ecosystems

Forest Inventory

Vegetation Resources Inventory (VRI)
VRI Data Management
National Forestry Inventory (NFI)
Vegetation Cover Update
Forest Inventory Audits
Inventory Projection
Remote Sensing and Geomatics
Forest Investment Account
Maps of the Inventories

Inventory Program Review

Resources and Downloads


Forest Inventory Program Review
Project Overview
November 2006

Prompted by recent organizational changes regarding land and resource information within the provincial government, the Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch (FAIB), BC Ministry of Forests and Range (MoFR), is nearing completion of an Inventory1 Program Review.

This review is intended to confirm the current and future business needs for the types of forest information within this branch’s mandate and to identify opportunities to improve the ministry’s ability to meet those needs. Two key outcomes are resulting from this review leading to a more sustainable, effective and relevant provincial forest inventory program.

The first important element has been the establishment of a Vegetation Inventory Advisory Council (VIAC) made up of industry and government representatives.  The VIAC will provide a collaborative approach to business planning and strategic direction for the Vegetation Inventory Program.  Secondly, three foundation documents — the Inventory Strategic Plan with a 10–year horizon, a 3–year Business Plan and a final IPR Report — will be completed by March, 2007.

The wrap–up of the IPR process is one step in the evolution of the forest inventory program.  New tools and technologies will be examined over the coming years to generate the best product possible; standards and procedures will be revised as necessary to guide the data collection; and evolving data requirements will be incorporated where appropriate with the ultimate intent to improve the efficiency and quality of the inventory and to consider innovative ways to enhance our practices.

Forest Inventory Program Review
Project Overview

 Inventory Program Review Workshop Synopsis Final

 Inventory Program Review Workshop Workbook

 Inventory Program Review Workshop Agenda

 Workshop Resource Compendium

Progress Report for the IPR Challenge Dialogue

IPR Support Study — Selected Forestry Initiatives and their Inventory Implications

Inventory Program Review — Consolidated Feedback

This document is a compilation of all the responses to the Challenge Paper with no synthesis.  There were 49 responses in total.  The Progress Report provides a synthesis of this feedback and it was sent previously (see above).


Thank you very much for participating in the Review.

Challenge Paper —

Inventory_Program_Review\IPR Challenge Paper April 4.pdf

TSR Inventory Issues —

Inventory_Program_Review\TSR Inventory Issues Report.pdf

Links —

Report from the Vegetation Inventory Working Group 1995

Report of the Timber Inventory Task Force 1992

Biomass Inventory and Bioenergy Assessment

Supporting Documents —

VRI Users Workshop

VRI Users Workshop VRI Phase I

 VRI Users Workshop VRI Phase II

VRI User Guide

For further information please contact:

Melanie Boyce
Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch
(250) 356–5947

Laurence Bowdige
Inventory Program Review Lead
Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch
(250) 387–5509

1  The term 'inventory' is used here to imply a range of information types including, point–in–time inventory, often in map form, inventory updating activities, time–series monitoring, forecasting of future conditions using models, etc.
