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Ministry of Forests and Range
Inventory Projection


Inventory projection encompasses both the tools, models and their data requirements that are used to estimate and predict tree and stand parameters, such as volume.

Stand Models
The Variable Density Yield Prediction (VDYP) model is the primary growth and yield model used to estimate and project current and future natural stand conditions for the provincial forest cover inventory.

Permanent Sample Plots
Permanent sample plots are long term samples established in natural stands for the purpose of providing information on the rates of growth, mortality and changes in stand structure form stand establishment to maturity. The data are used to develop yield tables and to provide the basic information necessary for the development and calibration of growth and yield models such as VDYP.

Tree Volume Estimation
Tree volumes are estimated by using the taper equation for gross volume and deductions for decay, waste and breakage for net volume. The loss deductions are based on either net factoring for Vegetation Resource Inventory samples (VRI) or loss factors for operational timber cruising and for samples used to fit and calibrate VDYP.

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