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Restricted and Limited Use Land

The Restricted and Limited Use Land (RLUL) database contains spatial boundaries for land that is protected or limited in use for conservation, ecological, resource management, or heritage purposes. Crown land included may be restricted in use by legislation, orders in council, cabinet decree or other legal means.
The database is intended to provide land use information to the Department of Natural Resources integrated resource management planners in a readily accessible and centralized location. The RLUL can be used to identify sensitive areas that may be affected by resource management, or it can provide information to environmental assessment processes.

The information is a compilation of data from various sources and is organized into a series of themes. Each theme includes attributes that identify the department responsible for the compilation and upkeep of the data. Questions about accuracy, currency, source or licensing and use of the data should be directed to the data administrators.

Visit the RLUL application.External Link

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