Last modified on: Sept.24/07

Recent Publications

Ecoregions of the Yukon Territory - Biophysical Properties of a Yukon Landscape Now you can download the report and map!!
edited by C.A.S. Smith, J.C Meikle and C.F. Roots, includes map of ecoregions at 1:2 500 000 scale. This volume has just undergone a second printing and is now available in full-colour hard-cover book format ($45.00) and on CD-ROM ($30.00)

Yukon Placer Mining Industry 2003 to 2006 New

compiled by W.P. LeBarge and C.S. Welsh.
This is a four-year summary of placer mining activity in the Yukon. (23 Mb)

Yukon Exploration and Geology 2006
edited by D.S. Emond, L.L. Lewis and L.H. Weston

Our flagship publication! Find out what's up in the Yukon with our annual report containing 20 papers! Free pdf Downloads! Visit the Table of Contents
and the Yukon Mining & Exploration Overview 2006 ( 2 Mb)
Download the entire volume ( 24 Mb)

Yukon Mineral Deposits 2006
compiled by S. Traynor, Yukon Geological Survey, published in November, 2006

Table summary of Yukon Mineral Deposits. Download the Mineral Deposits0.6 Mb


Joint Economic Development and Yukon Geological Survey Brochures:

Yukon Geological Survey Brochures:



2007 Cordilleran Exploration Roundup:

2006 Geoscience Forum:


Open Files:

YGS Open File 2007-5: List of Well and Formation Tops, version 1.0, Yukon Territory
by T. Fraser and B. Hogue
report PDF 223 kB, excel spreadsheet 223 kB

YGS Open File 2007-2: Yukon Stratigraphic Correlation Chart
by L. Pigage ( PDF 20 MB)
$5.00 ordering information

YGS Open File 2007-1/NWT Open File 2007-002: Rock-Eval 6/TOC analyses from outcrop samples in northern Mackenzie Mountains, eastern Richardson Mountains, and southern Peel Plateau and Plain, Northwest Territories and Yukon, Canada
by L.P. Gal, T.L. Allen, T.A. Fraser, T. Hadlari, Y. Lemieux, L.J. Pyle and W.G. Zantvoort
report PDF 1.3 MB, readme PDF 15 kB, spreadsheet XLS 77 kB
GIS shapefiles: ZIP 12 kB
all files free on-line

YGS Open File 2006-20: McConnell Ice-flow and placer activity map, Big Salmon Range, Yukon (1:100 000 scale)
by J.D. Bond and A. Church ( PDF 7 MB)
$5.00 ordering information

YGS Open File 2006-19: Morphology and geochemistry of soils formed on colluviated weathered bedrock: Case studies from unglaciated upland slopes in west-central Yukon
by J.D. Bond and P.T. Sanborn ( PDF 6 MB)
$5.00 ordering information

YGS Open File 2006-18/GSC Open File 5329: Geochemical Data from a National Geochemical Reconnaissance Stream Sediment and Water Survey in the Area of Coal River, Southeast Yukon Territory (Part of NTS 95E)
by P.W.B. Friske, R.J. McNeil, M.W. McCurdy, R.S. Wilson and S.J.A. Day
Available on CD-ROM
$7.00 ordering information

YGS Open File 2006-17/GSC Open File 5319: Geochemical Data from a National Geochemical Reconnaissance Stream Sediment and Water Survey in the Area of Old Crow, Northern Yukon Territory (Parts of 116J, 116K, 116N, 116O, 116P, 117A, 117B)
by P.W.B. Friske, R.J. McNeil, M.W. McCurdy, R.S. Wilson and S.J.A. Day
Available on CD-ROM
$7.00 ordering information



Yukon Placer Database 2007 - Geology and mining activity of placer occurrences
compiled by W.P. LeBarge

Download maps and database free (Access2000 version)
(488 MB)
Download maps and database free (run-time version)
(398 MB)
CD-ROM $30.00 ordering information

Yukon Igneous Database Online - Geochemistry of Igneous Rocks, 2007
compiled by J. Mair, C. Hart and L. Lewis
link to database

Yukon MINFILE Online - A database of mineral occurrences
compiled by R. Deklerk
link to database
Download maps, text and database free. free download of zip file (Access 2000 60 MB)
CD-ROM $30.00 ordering information

Yukon Geoscience Publications Database Online, 2007
compiled by D.S. Emond, L.H. Weston and L.L. Lewis
link to database

Mining and Petroleum Environment Research Group (MPERG) Reports:

MPERG Open File 2006-5: Moulting and Staging Waterbird Use of the Turner Lake Wetlands in the Yukon Territory: 2005 Aerial Survey Results by E.K. Spiewak and A.J. Leach, Ducks Unlimited Canada ( pdf 1 Mb)

MPERG Open File 2006-4: Protocol for Identification of Physical Constraints to Settling Pond Design
by R. Clarkson, Klondike Placer Miners Association ( pdf 1 Mb)

MMPERG Open File 2006-3: Enhancing Natural Succession on Mine Tailings Sites in the Yukon Territory
by T. Hutchinson and A. Clark ( pdf 0.2 Mb)

MPERG Open File 2006-2: Pilot Scale Erosion Control Using Bioengineering Techniques at Gold Run Creek, 2005
by Laberge Environmental Services, 17 p. ( pdf 3 Mb)

MPERG Open File 2006-1: Bioengineering Trials at Noname Creek Post-Fire Evaluation
by S. Withers, 13 p.( pdf 1 Mb)
