Gas Stations in Nova Scotia

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  1. Arrows - Click the appropriate arrow buttons to move the view north, south, east or west.
  2. Zoom - Click "+" to zoom in on the center of the map. Click "-" to zoom out.

Click on a gas station location on the map for more information or use the menu below to filter the stations displayed on the map.

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Attended Service onlyAttended Service only    Attended & Self ServiceAttended & Self Service    Self Service onlySelf Service only

The information contained in our databases was supplied by gasoline wholesalers and applies to stations that sell directly to the general motoring public (marinas, card lock sales, etc. are not included). Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations takes steps to verify information provided by industry wholesalers but does not take responsibility for its complete accurateness. Station counts may fluctuate at any one time due to closures, openings, seasonal impacts, renovations to outlets and other factors. All information, including the types of services offered (full-serve, self-serve, both), company name, brand, address and phone number, is subject to change without notice. This information will be updated annually.

Locations on this map are based on the best information available to Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations and should not be referenced as exact locations.

Driving directions are provided by Google™ Maps and are for planning purposes only; Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations can not guarantee the accuracy of the results. You may find that construction projects, traffic, or other events may cause road conditions to differ from the map results.