Symbol of the government of Quebec

Air Carrier Pricing and Terms and Consumer Complaints

Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA)

Last Verified: 2006-11-02

The Tariffs Division is responsible for the review of carrier pricing and terms and conditions of transportation as found in air carriers filed tariffs to ensure carriers adhere to the requirements of Air Transport Agreements, Government and Agency policy and practices. The Tariffs Division also reviews consumer complaints relating to air travel.

Eligibility Criteria

The Tariffs Division's target audience includes the travelling public and shippers, Canadian and foreign air carriers licensed to provide scheduled and non-scheduled international services to and from Canada, as well as persons seeking a licence to operate such services.


The Air Transportation Regulations, as well as most bilateral air transport agreements to which Canada is a party, require that carriers operating scheduled international air services to/from Canada file tariffs with the Agency, the aeronautical authority for Canada.

The Tariffs Division is responsible for:

  • reviewing and analyzing the fares, rates, charges and their associated terms and conditions, as well as general provisions for international air carriage, filed by these air carriers;
  • ensuring that the Canada Transportation Act, the Air Transportation Regulations, bilateral air transport agreements, the Agency's practices and guidelines, and Government policies are respected;
  • receiving and analyzing service schedules and serving as a point of contact for information with respect to domestic pricing and tariff issues;
  • addressing complaints regarding unfair or improper tariff, pricing and promotional practices brought to the Agency (e.g. the pricing action of one carrier makes another uncompetitive, consumer complaints regarding air travel or also can deal with issues from baggage to bumping, from fares to quality of service);
  • ensuring that consistent with the regulations, code share, block space and other such arrangements where aircraft and flight crew are provided by another carrier are publicly disclosed in computer reservation systems (CRS) and at points of sale.

Consumers can also find additional information on air travel complaints and the complaint forms on the Web site Air Travel Complaints (see More Information).

Legislation and regulations include the Canada Transportation Act, the Air Transportation Regulations and the Canadian Transportation Agency General Rules and can be accessed from the Web site Legislation (see More Information).

Quebec Contact(s):
Mr. Richard Laliberté
Senior Investigator
Canadian Transportation Agency
Room 802-3
101 Roland-Therrien Boulevard
Longueuil, Quebec  J4H 4B9
Telephone: (450) 928-4173
Fax: (450) 928-4174

National Contact(s):
Mr. Dennis Rennick
Enforcement Division
Canadian Transportation Agency
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0N9
Telephone: (819) 953-9786
Fax: (819) 994-0289