Symbol of the government of Quebec

NRC Expertise

National Research Council Canada (NRC)

Last Verified: 2006-04-08

NRC Expertise provides a direct link to more than 1700 men and women at the National Research Council of Canada who have scientific, technical and professional expertise in literally thousands of topics. The database is a bilingual tool that keeps you informed of research expertise and contacts across NRC. Each bilingual record describes an individual's expertise and provides his or her title, telephone number, e-mail, institute, group, and a hot link to their institute home page.


NRC Expertise provides a direct link to more than 1700 experts who have expertise in specific areas, such as:

  • aerospace;
  • astronomy;
  • biotechnology;
  • construction;
  • information and telecommunications;
  • manufacturing;
  • marine dynamics;
  • national measurement standards;
  • transformational science.

With 23 institutes, programs and technology centres, as well as a network of more than 250 Industrial Research Assistance Program offices, the NRC has the capacity to help partners and collaborators gain access to universities, research institutes and industry leaders across the country.

The NRC Expertise Database comes fully loaded with optimized searching capabilities, including:

  • an advanced search option, allowing users to search specific fields (e.g., name, Institute, city, province and language preference);
  • browsing by subject, name, Institute, city, province and language;
  • a display option, enabling users to view only English or French records, both English and French records, or a full or condensed version of a record; and
  • enhanced basic search, which sorts results by institute, relevance or last name.

Whether you're a potential collaborator or partner looking for the NRC's wide-ranging expertise, NRC Expertise is the place to be. Visit NRC Expertise today, where a wealth of knowledge abounds.

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Ms. Alison Ball
Communications Contact
Canada Institute for Science
and Technical Information
National Research Council Canada
1200 Montreal Road, Building M-55
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R6
Telephone: (613) 993-9195
Fax: (613) 952-8239
Web site:

NRC Expertise Database
Canada Institute for Science and Technical Information
National Research Council Canada
Montreal Road, Building M-55
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0R6
Telephone: (613) 993-7811
Fax: (613) 952-8245
Web site: