Symbol of the government of Quebec

Détail Formation

Détail Formation

Last Verified: 2006-12-12

Détail Formation is a firm of independent instructors whose mission is to offer retail and service-sector businesses a practical, varied and pleasing alternative for the development of managerial and employee skills.

Eligibility Criteria

Détail Formation services are intended for retail and service-sector businesses, as well as organisations that deal with these businesses: chambers of commerce, local employment centers, economic development organisations, commercial development companies, retail associations, commercial centers, educational institutions, social agencies, or organisations specialising in marketable skills, etc.


Détail Formation benefits from the expertise of a network of consultants and instructors specialised in  business management.

Consulting Services

Détail Formation is a team of specialists experienced in the management of retail businesses, skilled in counselling retailers, and able to offer customised support to clients, enabling them to better manage their businesses.

Détail Formation also provides complete professional assistance to local development agencies in order to help them organise innovative training activities that meet their customers' needs within their specific business contexts.

Détail Formation also helps businesses with train-the-trainer workshops or in one-on-one coaching.


Détail Formation workshops are led by lively specialists who encourage interaction between participants. The proposed course outline and accompanying manuals are specifically designed for managers in retail and service-sector businesses and their employees.  Here are the main topics:

- Diagnosis of a Retail Business
- Human Resources
- Marketing/Advertisement/Sales
- Merchandising/Window/Design
- Customer Service
- Cost Control.

Management Tools

The first proposed tool is the Retail Business Management Workbook that deals with all the day-to-day operations of a retail business: personnel management, accounting, marketing, customer service, rules and regulations. This unique workbook includes over forty practical tools (job application forms, customer satisfaction cards, competitor-analysis charts, etc.) The workbook is the tool of choice for all entrepreneurs interested in the retail sector and who want to start their business on the right foot.

Guides pratiques

Détail Formation has also developed 15 practical guides that a storeowner can implement directly to facilitate his/her management operations: Personnel Recruiting (collection of 5 guides) – Business Positioning – Personnel Motivation – Website Planning – How to Increase Sales through Interior Design – Employee Integration – Output Evaluation – Complaint Management – How to Communicate with Your Employees – How to Communicate with Your Clients – Personnel Training: A Quick Overview.

'Mystery Customer' Service

This management support tool provides a quick, accurate diagnosis in order to respond quickly to clearly identified weaknesses.

It includes:

  • Four 'incognito' visits (may include a purchase) during which both the exterior and interior design of the store and the customer service will be evaluated according to analysis charts specifically designed for that particular business sector.
  • A detailed report.
  • Two hours of coaching by a business consultant upon delivery of report.

The 'Mystery Customer' Service Start-Up Guide

This guide describes the main steps to follow in the starting-up of a 'mystery customer' service, and includes a diskette of user-friendly tools. The guide comes with 50 evaluation charts tailored to specific commercial sectors, a unique service.

The Employee Manual

Available electronically and in print, this document brings together all the pertinent information for improving the way in which you present your mission, values and business policy (rules and regulations) to your new or experienced employees.

In addition to providing useful information, the manual fosters a positive attitude towards your business.
It has been proven that employees that understand the big picture of the tasks they perform and have a thorough understanding of their company's development philosophy become more actively involved.

The Employee Manual is tailored to each business.

Quebec Contact(s):
Daniel Tanguay
President-General Director
Détail Formation
Suite 219
7800 Metropolitan Blvd. East
Montréal, Quebec  H1K 1A1
Telephone: 514 899-9555
Fax: 514 899-0706
Toll-free (information): 1-888-822-5555
Web site: