Symbol of the government of Quebec

Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)

Last Verified: 2006-08-17

T he Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services (CFBAS) is the cornerstone of the programs and services offered through Renewal. Through the CFBAS, eligible producers - those with at least $10 000 in annual gross farm sales and beginning producers - have access to a range of services.

Components of the CFBAS include:

  • program entry
  • farm business assessment
  • follow-up
  • specialized business planning services

Eligibility Criteria

  • producers with at least $10 000 in annual gross farm sales
  • beginning producers

Eligible Activities

  • agricultural production


Program Entry

Every producer has different needs. In order to determine those needs and which of the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services (CFBAS) is most useful, a program officer discusses with the producer the various options available (by phone or in person). To ensure that producers maximize their  benefits, this discussion should take place before the producer accesses the various services.

Cost: There is no cost to the producer for this service.

Farm Business Assessment

This phase of the CFBAS provides eligible producers with up to five days' worth of consultative services.

There are two parts to this service:

  • Farm Financial Assessment
    A consultant reviews past records, the current situation, discusses goals/objectives and helps producers determine their current options in order to meet their goals for profitability. This service gives producers up to three days' worth of consulting and results in the producers identifying their goals and options for the future. The producer receives a business profile, a statement of assets and liabilities, a farm business ratio analysis, an income and expenses statement for the previous three years and other information related to the farm business.
  • Action Plan
    Following the Farm Financial Assessment, producers can access two days' worth of consultation service to help assess their options for increasing farm profitability and create a plan to implement the option. This service results in a financial plan (including cash flow planning), projections of options, and a written report.

Cost: Farm Business Assessment consultant services, valued at $2 000, is paid for by federal, provincial, and territorial governments. The producer may need to pay a fee of $100 to the consultant. (This fee is waived for producers who qualify under the Canadian Farm Families Options Program.)

Note: The producer may choose a consultant for the Farm Business Assessment phase from a qualified list.


After using the CFBAS Farm Business Assessment component, a consultant follows-up with the producer to discuss how they are progressing in relation to the plan and offer further advice, if necessary.

Cost: There is no cost for this service.

Specialized Business Planning Services

This component of the CFBAS offers financial assistance to producers in preparing the specialized plans needed for their business, such as diversification, marketing, human resources, expansion, risk management or succession plans. To help them in developing these plans, producers hire and work with a consultant with expertise in a specific area. Governments provide funding up to 50% of the consultant's eligible costs up to a maximum of:

  • $8 000 for one participant
  • $16 000 for two participants
  • $24 000 for three participants
  • $25 000 for four or more participants

Quebec Contact(s):
Canadian Agri-Renewal Services
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Suite 350-4
901 Cap Diamant Street
QuĂ©bec, Quebec  G1K 4K1
Telephone: 418-648-4775
Fax: 418-648-2439
Toll-free (information): 1-866-452-5558
Web site:

National Contact(s):
Canadian Agri-Renewal Services offices
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Toll-free (information): 1-866-452-5558
Web site: