Who are we ?
There are three levels of government in Canada: federal, provincial and municipal. Their respective areas of responsibility are defined by the Constitution. Culture is a provincial responsibility.

In Québec, the Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine exercises its action in the areas of cinema, book publishing, entertainment shows, music, theatre, visual arts, etc. It pilots bills, provides grants, and promotes Québec culture both within and outside the province.

La Régie du cinéma du Québec is a government agency reporting to the Ministre de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine. Its mandate consists in monitoring and controlling the exhibition of cinematographic works in Québec. The sectors concerned are: film distribution, movie theatres and other locations where films are exhibited to the public, video clubs, and retail outlets that sell or rent videos and/or DVDs.

It is important to note, however, that in Canada, television is a federal responsibility placed under the authority of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. Therefore, the Régie du cinéma du Québec has no jurisdiction over films broadcast on television.

For further information, please see Mission and duties.

What do we do exactly?
Protecting youth
The Régie du cinéma du Québec serves the public. It examines all movies (whether to be shown in movie theatres or on video) as regards youth protection and the preservation of public order. Each movie is classified into an age category under the provisions of the Cinema Act : G (Général – For all), 13+, 16+, 18+. Classification can also be accompanied by one of the six indications provided by the Regulation respecting stamps for films.

For further information, please see the section titled: Classification process.

Controlling distribution
The Régie wants to ensure that all films distributed in Québec, by whatever means: This is why any person or business wishing to distribute, sell, or rent movies commercially in Québec must hold a licence issued by the Régie. See also the Regulation respecting licences to operate premises where films are exhibited to the public, distributor's licences and video material retail dealer's licences.

For the same reason, any copy of a film must bear a stamp or sticker, as the case may be, issued by the Régie.

If you are a video material retail dealer, all films you sell or rent must bear a Régie sticker. If you wish to sell or offer a film for rental for which there are no distributors in Québec, you must request a special authorization from the Régie.

Our FAQ section should answer most of your questions concerning the Régie du cinéma du Québec.

Date de mise à jour de la page: 30 octobre 2007
© Gouvernement du Québec, 2002-2005