Symbol of the government of Quebec

Laboratory Testing of Grains

Canadian Grain Commission (CGC)

Last Verified: 2006-07-06

The Canadian Grain Commission tests grains for a variety of factors, such as amino acids, fibre, moisture levels, starch content, oil content and chlorophyll content. While some tests are mandatory under the Canada Grain Act and Regulations, others may serve to rate grains and measure quality levels.

Eligibility Criteria

Producers, agents, processors and other clients of the Grain Industry in Canada.


Laboratory Testing of Grains

  • Prices are based on a single sample or small batches of grains submitted for testing.
  • Large sample volumes and long term contracts are negotiable and may result in reduced prices.
  • Preliminary processing and analysis may be required, e.g., milling prior to baking test; additional fees will be charged as required.
  • The time period to complete analyses and report results varies depending on the procedure, the laboratory workloads and seasonal priorities.
  • Expedited service is available and subject to a surcharge.
  • The Commission reserves the right to subcontract analysis without notification; information on subcontracting can be made available upon request.

Results can be faxed out at an additional charge of $1.00 (local) or $4.00 (long distance) per page.
Canadian customers must add 6% GST to all prices. Prices are subject to change without notice.

The most current prices are available on the Grain Research Laboratory Analytical Services Web page.


  • Analysis of the amino acids, fibre, moisture content, starch content, oil content and chlorophyll content for the following grains:
    • Wheat
    • Barley
    • Other Cereals
    • Oilseeds
    • Special Crops
  • Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) detection for:
    • Soybeans
  • Grain Safety
    • Pesticide Residues
    • Mycotoxins
    • Trace Elements
    • Mycological Testing

Other services

  • Calibration for moisture meters
  • Service for testing grain dryers (determines damage due to drying)

Quebec Contact(s):
See National Contact.

National Contact(s):
Mr. G.F. (Rick) Morgan
Executive Manager
Business Group
Canadian Grain Commission
Suite 700
303 Main Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 3G8
Telephone: (204) 983-7905
Fax: (204) 983-0248
Toll-free (information): 1-800-853-6705 (Canada)
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-866-317-4289
Web site: