Entrepreneurial self-assessment- BDC
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Entrepreneurial self-assessment

For each of the following, check the "Rarely or no" button for those questions to which you normally would reply in the negative; mark the "Mostly or yes" button for those questions for which your answer is generally "yes". Please answer each question.

Rarely or noMostly or yes
01Are you prepared to sacrifice certain elements of your family life and take a cut in pay to succeed in business?
02Once you've decided to do something, are you the type of individual that lets nothing stop you?
03When you begin a task, do you set clear goals and objectives for yourself?
04When a group is faced with a stalemate or is not making any progress, are you usually the one who resolves the situation and gets the ball rolling again?
05Do you often seek the advice of people who are older, or have more experience than you do?
06Can you evaluate the quality of your own work?
07Are you a good loser?
08After a severe setback, are you able to pick up the pieces and start over again?
09Do you like being in charge of other people?
10Do you enjoy working on projects that will take 5-10 years to successfully achieve?
11Have you ever participated in the setting up of entities such as cooperatives, community organizations, fund-raising projects, etc.?
12Did your parents or grandparents ever own their own business?
13When you think about the future, do you see yourself at the head of your own company?
14Do you make suggestions to your colleagues about how things might be improved?
15Are you usually able to come up with more than one way to solve a problem?
16Are you between 25 and 40 years of age?
17Do you worry about what others think of you?
18Do you take risks just for the thrill of it?
19Are you comfortable delegating tasks and responsibilities?
20Have you ever helped a family member start a business?
21Do you believe in organizing your tasks before getting started?
22Are you often sick?
23Do you enjoy doing something just to prove that you can?
24Have you ever been fired from a job?
25Do you find yourself constantly thinking of new projects?
26Do you prefer letting a friend decide your social activities?
27Were you a very good student?
28Were you part of a group in high school?
29Did you participate in school activities or sports?
30Do you like to take care of details?
31Do you deliberately seek out a confrontation to get the results that you want?
32Are you the oldest child in your family?
33Were you expected to do odd jobs around the house before you were 10 years of age?
34Can you concentrate on one subject for extended periods of time?
35Does personal satisfaction mean more to you than having significant amounts of available money?
36Do you try to find the positive aspects of a bad situation?
37Do you blame others when something goes wrong?
38Do you enjoy tackling a task without knowing all the potential problems?
39Do you persist even when others tell you something can't be done?
40Are you likely to work long hours to reach a goal?
41Do you enjoy being able to make your own decisions on the job?
42Can you accept failure without admitting defeat?
43Do you have a savings account and other assets?
44Do you strive to learn from past mistakes?
45Are you more people-oriented than goal-oriented?
46Do you prefer to make decisions on your own?
47Do your conversations discuss people more than they do events or ideas?
48Do you feel good about yourself in spite of being the object of criticism?
49Are you good at managing your time?
50Growing up, did you ever have your own paper route or work a job involving regular hours and a tight schedule?

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