Commission des normes du travail
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A few tools for preventing psychological harassment


Labour Standards in Québec
NovemberThe Commission des normes du travail is in charge of the application of the Act respecting labour standards.

This Act establishes the minimum conditions of employment in the absence of conditions provided for under a collective agreement, a contract of employment or a decree.


List of employers having violated the Act -the Commission des normes du travail is making public the names of undertakings that are found guilty, following penal proceedings, of violating the Act respecting labour standards.
(January 23, 2008)

Quick links

Newsletter Info+ Paid statutory holidays
Minimum wages National Holiday
Payment Annual leave
Tips Sick leaves
Notice of termination of employment Maternity leave
Notice of collective dismissal Paternity leave
Part-time Differences in treatment
Overtime Marriage
Coffee break Adoption
Meal period Death
Training periods    
Psychological harassment at work    

Employees subject to the Act respecting Labour Standards are entitled to an indemnity

February 2008
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© Gouvernement du Québec, 2006

Last update: September 10, 2007
