Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile


Edited by Lucie Ogrodnik, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada

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This is the tenth annual Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile report produced by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics under the Federal Family Violence Initiative. This annual report provides the most current data on the nature and extent of family violence in Canada, as well as trends over time, as part of the ongoing initiative to inform policy makers and the public about family violence issues.

Each year the report has a different focus. This year, for the first time, the criminal histories of persons accused of spousal homicide or attempted spousal homicide are examined. Using the Incident-based Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR2) Survey, a composite file was created to identify police-reported offences committed by spousal homicide offenders over the previous 11-year period (1995 to 2005). In addition, the report also presents an analysis of family violence against children and youth, and family violence against seniors (65 years and over).

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