Contact Us

The voices of women in this province can and do make a difference

The Advisory Council needs you to keep us informed about issues and concerns that are important to you. Click here for a listing of Fieldworkers.

via email

or by writing

P.O. Box 745
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3J 2T3

or by telephoning

(902) 424-8662 or
1-800-565-8662 (toll-free within Nova Scotia)
Fax: (902) 424-0573

or by visiting

Quinpool Centre
2nd floor, Suite 202
6169 Quinpool Road

Community Liaison & Rural Outreach Program

Cumberland County

The Cumberland County Field Office has released the revised version of its popular Women's Resource Directory for Cumberland County (PDF)

Digby-Annapolis Counties

Digby - Annapolis Counties
84 Warwick Street (Provincial Building)
Digby, NS
B0V 1A0

Phone: 902-245-2901